
Arnold Matthew

  • Birth

    He was born in Laleham England.
  • Rugby school

    Rugby school
    The school was for writeing. He went for a couple years. Also in 1840 he won a prize.
  • Graduated

    He has won many prizes by now. He was in a second honers class. Now he can start his carrer.
  • Secretary

    After school he went to be a secretary. He was a privte secretary. He worked fo Lord Lansdowne.
  • Acting

    He stoped being a secretary. He started acting. His role was a assistant master.
  • Job

    He got another job. It was at the Education Department. He worked there as an inspector.
  • Wedding

    He got married June, 22, 1851. He got married to the daughter of Mr. Justic Wightan.
  • Getting published

    Getting published
    He has published poems before. But the poems he puplised other poeple took credit. This ewas the first poem in his name.
  • Second poem published

    Second poem published
    He got the second poem published in his name. The poem was based on the last one he wrote. Noe he is starting to get credit for his work.
  • Professor

    He was elected professer. The schoolm was a poetry school. He was there for ten years.
  • Poem

    After getting the job as a professer he still wrote. This one was a classical tragety. It was called Merope and it is well known
  • Quit

    He quit being a professer. He was in Oxford for ten years. He quit teaching poetry.
  • Irish Essays

    Irish Essays
    He puplished a book. He was also an author. He was an auther because he loved writeing
  • Lost job

    Lost job
    He lost his job as an inspector. He worked ther for 35 years. But his real postion is poetry.
  • Death

    He died in Liverpool England. He died from heat failure. He was buried in Laleham England.