animation timeline

  • first animation by paper

    first animation by paper
    Peter Roget presented his paper 'The persistence of vision with regard to moving objects' to the British Royal Society.
  • using animals in motion

    Eadweard Muybridge started his photographic gathering of animals in motion.
  • reasearch into motion picture

    reasearch into motion picture
    Thomas Edison started his research work into motion pictures.
  • the trained dinosaur consited 10 thousand drawing

    the trained dinosaur consited 10 thousand drawing
    Winsor McCay produced a cartoon called "Gertie, The Trained Dinosaur" which amazingly consisted of 10,000 drawings.
  • felix the cat

    felix the cat
    Pat Sullivan created an American cartoon "Felix the Cat."
  • disney studio

    disney studio
    Walt and Roy Disney found Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio.
  • steam boat willy

    steam boat willy
    Walt Disney created the first cartoon with synchronized sound called "Steam Boat Willy".
  • drawing turn to film

    Smith produced animation by drawing directly onto film.
  • jurasic park

    jurasic park
    Jurassic Park use of CG for realistic living creatures
  • toy story

    toy story
    Toy Story first full-length 3D CG feature film