Ancient philosophy timeline

By miper
  • 700 BCE

    Pre-Socratic philosophy

    Pre-Socratic philosophy
    t was the period in the history of Greek philosophy that extends from its beginning with such of Miletus to the thought of Socrates, the work had not come in quotes from later authors, this seeks to understand the beginning or end of a period historical grouping several thinkers trying to reach a point of understanding the structure of the time and how it can develop, for example: the cosmogonic and religious origin of philosophy
  • Period: 624 BCE to 546 BCE

    Thales of Miletus

    He was a mathematical philosopher who was born and died in Greece, he was considered the initiator of the school of Miletus to which his disciple belonged, he considered himself one of the 7 wise men of Greece, in addition to being recognized for making use of mythology for the explanation of the cosmos
  • 500 BCE

    Attic school

    Attic school
    In the city of Athens, a literary political and philosophical development, etc., has been seen few times in humanity, this was called the golden age, being important because it departs from the natist philosophy and creates anthropocentric thought, some developed schools were the School of the Sophists, Socrates of Athens, Aristotle of Estagira
    the sophists were the wise men or professors paid by political sons
  • Period: 483 BCE to 375 BCE


    he was born in calcidia of leonines in sicillia he was the son of carmanites and was a disciple of empedocles generalizing the parmenides thought exiling his teachings in greece with his thoughts of platon's gorgias, this was a sophist
  • Period: 481 BCE to 411 BCE


    He was a Greek sophist expert in rhetoric who recovers the Greek mute, he was a celebrated traveling thinker and needed wherever he went, he spent a lot of time in Athens and met Socrates and Pericñ
  • Period: 445 BCE to 365


    Antisthenes was a Greek philosopher alubno de socrates who was shocked for laying the foundations of the Cynic school denying the reality of qualities, since they would imply that a certain being is and is not the same at the same time.
  • Period: 387 BCE to 347 BCE


    He was a philosopher who was born and died in Greece, a follower of Socrates and Aristotle, was known as the founder of the academy of Athens, teaching political philosophy, pisolphy, anthropology, epistemolophy, metaphysical, cosmology, language of education, etc ... creating the theory of reminiscence on reasoning and soul thoughts
  • Period: 342 BCE to 270 BCE

    Epicurus of Samos

    He was a Greek philosopher founder of the Epicurean school, he specialized in rational hedonism and atomism. He turned against Platonism and established his own school allowing women, prostitutes and slaves to enter the school.
  • 341 BCE


    Epicureanism is a movement that encompasses the search for a happy life through the intelligent pursuit of pleasures. This was taught by Epicurean of Saints who founded the school called Jardin, the people who followed this thought or these ideas were called Epicureans, he says that the The presence of pleasure or happiness was a synonym for the absence of pain or any type of affliction, for example hunger,sexual tension,cold,laziness,etc, seeking a perfect balance between the mind and the body
  • Period: 325 BCE to 250 BCE

    Hermarch of Mytilene

    He was a Greek philosopher of the Epicurean school taking charge of the garden (the Epicurean school) He was a disciple of Mytilene being a poor man
  • 301 BCE


    Stoicism was a philosophical school founded by zenon de citio in 301 BC, it sought the domain and control of the facts, things and passions that disturb life, having 3 phases, Ancient Stoicism in 301 BC, Middle Stoicism in 109 BC. and the new Stoicism in 250 AD
  • Period: 336 to 264

    Zeno of Citio

    He was a Hellenistic philosopher of Syrian origin, founder of the Stoic school that began around 300 BC in Athens where he developed his philosophical thoughts, studying at the Academy of Athens influenced by Plato Socrates and Crates of Thebes,he suicide
  • 400


    The term Neoplatonism is the historiographical denomination of different moments in the history of philosophy in which a revitalization of Platonism took place (Plato, Academy of Athens). In addition, the concept that philosophers had was that the principle of all that exists is the absolute unity, the One, called supreme reality or great emptiness, with conspiracies and thoughts of the self and the soul etc..