
Amentments of the constitution

  • Period: to


  • Amendment #1

    Amendment #1
    This admentment protects the freedom of religion, speech, and the press, as well as the right to assemble and petition the government.
  • amendment #2

    amendment #2
    amendment 2 protects the right to keep and bear arms.
  • amendment #3

    amendment #3
    This amendment protects you from having to quarter a soldier when our country is not in war.
  • amendement #4

    amendement #4
    this amendment says if you do not want to be seached you don't have to be.
  • amendment #5

    amendment #5
    this amendment sets out the rules for indictment by grand jury and eminent domain, protects the right to due process, and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy
  • amendment #6

    amendment #6
    You have the right to have a fair and fast public trial by jury, including the rights to be notified of the accusations, to confront the accuser, to obtain witnesses and to retain counsel.
  • amendment #7

    amendment #7
    this amendment says you have the right to trial by jury in certain civil cases, according to common law.
  • amendment #8

    amendment #8
    this amendment says that excessive fines and excessive bail, cruel, and unusual punishment are not legal.
  • amendment #9

    amendment #9
    this says we have unenumerated rights.
  • amendment #10

    amendment #10
    This amendment limits the powers of the federal government to those who work for it.
  • amendment #11

    this amendment is about law suits on a state.
  • amendment #12

    amendment #12
    this amendment revises presidential election procedures
  • amendment #13

    amendment #13
    this amendment takes slavery off the lists of amendments.
  • amendment #14

    this amendment is about protecting our civil rights.
  • amendment #15

    amendment #15
    this amendment is about everyone is equal nomatter waht race, gender, or religion they are.
  • amendment #16

    amendment #16
    this alows the goverment to colect taxes.
  • amendment #17

    this requres senetors to be derecly elected
  • amendment #18

    this prohibits achohol
  • amendment #19

    amendment #19
    alows women to vote
  • amendment #20

    this amendment is named the lame duck because it is the presedents deadlines.
  • amendment #21

    this repeals the Eighteenth AmendmentDecember 5, 1933
  • amensment #22

    this limits the presedent to 4 year term with 2 terms if re-elected
  • amendment #23

    this amendment provides for representation of Washington, D.C. in the Electoral College
  • amendment #24

    you cant vote if you do not pay your taxes
  • amendment #25

    this amendment talks about how the vice presedent can succed the presedent
  • amendment #26

    this amendment makes 18 as the national voting age
  • amendment #27

    this is about how congress cant effect salary