amendments timeline

  • amendment 11

    limits law suits against a state in federal court
  • amendment 12

    changes procedures for electing president and vice president
  • amendment 13

    amendment 13
    end slavery
  • amendement 14

    protects rights, prhibits state from depriving anyone
  • amendment 15

    amendment 15
    stopped denying people based on skin color and status
  • amendment 16

    allows congress to levy (impose/collect taxes)
  • amendment 17

    amendment 17
    people elect u.s senate
  • amendment 18

    prohibits production, sale, or transportation of alcohol
  • amendment 19

    amendment 19
    womans sufferage, nobody can be denied the right to vote based upon sex
  • amendment 20

    change inauguration date for president, from april-january
  • amendment 21

    repeals 18th amendment
  • amendment 22

    limits president to 2 terms
  • amendment 23

    granted voters in the district of columbia the right to vote
  • amendment 24

    amendment 24
    abolish poll taxes used to keep from voting
  • amendment 25

    amendment 25
    order of presidential succession
  • amendment 26

    changed voting age from 21-18, direct impact vietnam draft
  • amendment 27

    congress can vote themself a pay raise but they must be reelected to take place