Alexander The Great

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    Alexander The Great Falls

    When Alex the great finaly gets home he starts his plans to attack other places but he was struck down by a fever when he was in the infirmiriy one of the warriors said how will take your place Alexander the great said the strongest one.
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    Places alexander the great attacked

    Alexander The Great attacked 8 places in and named them Alexandria, that was before he took over Persia.
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    King Phillip Dies By Friend

    King Phillip died by his friend stabing him in the chest, while he was heading to his daughters wedding, after he died alexander becomes the King.
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    ALexander battle peria and after that he said he would try to take over a continent.
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    The birth of Alxander the great

    When he was born he grew up and learned how to fight, after that he went to his daughters wedding and he saw his friend, but his friend stabed the king while the murder was running away guards surrounded the son.
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    Alexander The King of Macedonian

    Alexander The King of Macedonian
    Alexander "The Great Macedonian Of Macedon" took over his fathers Macedonian Empire after Phillip II of Macedon was assassinated.