Alexander Hamilton

  • Born

    Alexander hamilton was born on 1/11/1775 in Nevis, British West Indies
  • Mom dies

    Hamilton mother dies from a fever.
  • Moves to America

    He moved to America so he could have good schooling which is what caused him to be so successful. Specific date unknown
  • American Revolution

    The revolution started which he later became a colonel in the continental army
  • Droups out of college

    Specific date unknown
  • Become colonel in army

    after ta,king the role of this he became one on washingtons most trusted advisors. He wrote alot of Washingtons important letters. Date unspecified
  • Married

    On this day he gets married to Elizabeth Schuyler
  • FIrst child

    He and his wife have their first child Philip
  • Contential congress

    Met with continental congrees to revise the articles of confederation
  • bank of New York opens

    opened its doors which Hamilton helped establish
  • Secretary Of Treasury

    Somtime in the month of september in the year 1784 he was named the united states first secretary of treasury which led to him making the 4 ways to help our economy.
  • federalist papers published

    date not found but it was written mostly by Hamilton
  • Federalist writing

    A series of essays written by members of the contenital congress. he wrote 51 0f the 85 essays
  • Washingtons farewell address

    date in not specified but Hamilton helped draft Washingtons farewell address
  • His Father dies

    Hamilton father dies
  • Last son born

    On this day their last of 8 was born yes they had two Philips
  • Duels Burr

    He has his famous duel with Burr which led to his death
  • Dies

    Killed after he was shot by Burr in their duel.
  • ELizabeth dies

    his wife dies 50 year after him
  • Current adition of the 10 dollar bill created

    Hamilton is on the 10 dollar bill