Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein birth

    Albert Einstein birth
    Event #1 - Albert Einstein was born as the first child of the Jewish couple Hermann and Pauline Einstein, nee Koch, in Ulm on March 14, 1879. When Albert’s grandmother saw him for the first time she is said to have cried continuously: "Much too thick! Much too thick!" But despite all fear the development of young Albert was a normal one. Source:(Albrecht Fölsing 300)
  • Compass

    Event # 2 -When he was 5 years old and sick in bed, Hermann Einstein brought Albert a device that did stir his intellect. It was the first time he had seen a magnetic compass. He lay there shaking and twisting the odd contraption, certain he could fool it into pointing off in a new direction.
    Source: (John Shepler 10)
  • Max Talmud Interest in Science

    Max Talmud Interest in Science
    Event # 3- When Einstein was ten years old, Max Talmud (later changed to Max Talmey), a poor Jewish medical student from Poland, was introduced to the Einstein family by his brother. During weekly visits over the next five years, he gave the boy popular books on science.
    Source: (Max Planck 7)
  • Top of His Class

    Top of His Class
    Event #4 - He was a year younger than the other students and he was top of the class. Einstein tried to enter the Federal Institute of Technology (FIT) in Zurich, Switzerland, but his knowledge of subjects other than mathematics was not up to par, and he failed the entrance examination. On the advice of the principal, he first obtained his diploma at the Cantonal School in Aarau, Switzerland, and in 1896 he was automatically admitted into the FIT. Source: (Goldberg, Jake 120)
  • Swiss Citenship

    Swiss Citenship
    Event # 5 - Been without a country for some time and finally get citienship in Switzerland. Albert’s political views coincide with the spirit of the Swiss democratic constitution. 1899, still a student in Zurich, he applies for a Swiss citizenship. Two years later, once Einstein's „as far as it is known,unblemished reputation” has been attested by the police and he paid the legal fee of 600 Swiss francs, young man is naturalized as a Swiss citizen.
    Source: (Goldenstern, Joyce 73)
  • the patent office

    the patent office
    Event # 6 - The patent office job — Einstein referred to it, tongue-in-cheek, as his «cobbler's trade» — turned out to be stroke of good fortune because it was excellently paid (3,500 Swiss francs per year) and was undemanding for his nimble intelligence. He spoke of the patent office as «a worldly cloister where he hatched his most beautiful ideas».
    Source (Hammontree, Marie, 92)
  • Albert Einstein receives his ph D.

    Albert Einstein receives his ph D.
    Event: 7 January 1st 1905 ,
    Einstein received his Doctorate in Physics and Mathematics from the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, Switzerland. He later worked as a professor at the school. Einstein stayed in Switzerland for a couple of years and eventually gained citizenship in the country. He also gained Doctorates in Science, Medicine, and Philosophy from other colleges in Europe. source(andrew670)
  • Albert Einstein theory of relatively

    Albert Einstein theory of relatively
    Event :10 In June 30 1905, His greatest feat, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity changed the world of Physics in such a way that many of the ideas already existing were abandoned due to the corrections in his work. Einstein stated that mass, space, and time all varied on how fast you move, and that the faster you move, the greater your mass is, the less space you take up, and the slower time passes for you. He proved his theory with the famous equation E=mc2 source (Spangenburg 30-31).
  • beginning of world war 1

    beginning of world war 1
    Event :8 August 4th 1914, The attack by the German military on Belgium marked the beginning of the first World War. Their strategy was to go through Belgium into Northern France and make way to Paris, which they would later be unsuccessful in capturing Japanese . The war ended on November 11, 1918 with Germany's surrender at Compiégne Forest, France source:(Kondo 36)
  • Albert Einstein noble prize

    Albert Einstein noble prize
    Event 11 November 14 1921, though not the most important of his 1905 publishing's, Einstein's paper on the photoelectric effect won him the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. The photoelectric theory states that when light hits certain metals, electrons are emitted. Einstein declared that light travels in quanta and that the brightness of the light does not effect the energy of the electrons, but can effect the number of electrons released source:(Spangenburg 28-29).
  • Albert Einstein attends physic conference

    Albert Einstein attends physic conference
    Event :9 November 12th 1927, He was given an invitation to the first-ever world physic conference. He was the youngest physicist there. The Solvay Conference, founded by the Belgian industrialist Ernest Solvay in 1912, was considered a turning point in the world of physics. Located in Brussels, the conferences were devoted to outstanding preeminent open problems in both physics and chemistry. source (beck 795)
  • Albert Einstein moves to Americas

    Albert Einstein moves to Americas
    Event :12 He visited america for the first time because he feared the rising Nazi party in Germany. In February 16 1933, Einstein and fellow physicist Leo Szilard wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt to alert him of the possibility of a Nazi bomb and to galvanize the United States to create its own nuclear weapons. Einstein took on a position at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey and never went back to his native land.
    source: (kreieger795)
  • Bombing of pearl harbor

    Bombing  of pearl harbor
    Event : 15 December 7, 1941
    At 7:53 A.M. the first wave of Japanese aircrafts began bombing and firing upon American naval ships and crew docked in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The second wave hit at 8:55 A.M. When the attack had seased, 2,403 citizens and soldiers lay dead on land or underwater. 188 U.S. airplanes were destroyed along with eight battleships and more smaller ships in the fleet (Attack). Losses included U.S.S. Nevada and the famous U.S.S. Arizona, on which 1,177 died
    source Boorstin34
  • Albert Einstein the war ends

    Albert Einstein the war ends
    Event : 13 September 2nd 1945, In world war i ended and Einstein continued his research. He made advances in heat, gravity, and relativity and he published over 300 scientific reports.After the war, Einstein continued to work on his unified field theory and key aspects of the theory of general relativity, such as wormholes, the possibility of time travel, the existence of black holes and the creation of the universe. source (leiby50)
  • Aneurysm Discovered.

    Aneurysm Discovered.
    Event : 14 December 1, 1948, Part of the Descending Aorta and in between the Kidneys, the Aneurysm is a spot in the vein which is a collection spot for blood that needs to go to the Kidneys. What is important about this discovery is that it would later be a part of Einstein's death. In 1955 his Aortic Aneurysm burst. Surgery was offered to him, but he refused. source (Richard55)
  • Albert Einstein death

    Albert Einstein death
    Event:16 April 18 1955, At the age of 76, Albert Einstein left the world as a hero of Physics, and considerably the greatest scientist of the 20th century. He not only changed Physics with his Special and General Theories of Relativity, but was considered to have saved humanity from Hitler's evil, by encouraging U.S. development of the atomic bomb, though it went against his pacifistic way of living. source (Daniel439)