ACLU Timeline

  • Brown vs. Board

    Brown vs. Board
    A legal battle for equal education. The supreme court decided that racially segregated schools were in violation of the fourteenth ammenfment
  • Reproductive Rights

    Reproductive Rights
    This encompesses the right for a women to continue a pregnancy or end it. The fight still continues and the ACLU is struggling to protect womens rights.
  • Creationism in Arkansas

    Creationism in Arkansas
    Requiring that the biblical story must be a "scientific alternative" to the theory of evolution. A federal court found this unconstitutional.
  • Internet Free Speech

    The 1996 Communications Decency Act was struck down. This censored the internet of indecent speech.But since then, congress has passed many versions of the COPA Act.
  • Keeping America Safe and Free

    Keeping America Safe and Free
    2001-Present: The ACLU has been working to oppose policies that sacrifice our fundemental freedoms. Our advocates are still working to restore fundemental freedoms.
  • Equal Treatment for Lesbians and Gay Men

    Equal Treatment for Lesbians and Gay Men
    The right to privacy did not cover lesbian and gay relationships. It struck down a Texas law that made same sex intimacy a crime.
  • Exposing Torture

    Exposing Torture
    Wanted information about the waterboarding and other abuses during the Bush administration. The ACLU is leading the demand for full accountability for those who authorized or condoned torture.
  • Protecting your right to privacy

    Protecting your right to privacy
    In a safford unified school district the court ruled that school officials violated the constitutional rights of a 13-years old arizona girl when they strip searched her based on a classmates uncorroborated accusation.