
A Brief History of Education

  • Education In Colonial America

    Strict educaiton learning mostly reading, writing and religion.
  • Impact of Thomas Jefferson

    Impact of Thomas Jefferson
    Truly believed in the power of education and pushed federal schooling; He believed that all Americans should be able to get an education. He died before many of his beliefs were finally put into practice.
  • Population Growth

    The U.S. grew greatly in population and urbanized the country, making schools more important.
  • Secondary School Movement

    Boston is the first to set up a public high school.
  • Common School

    The first public schools opened for students regardless of status.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Hornace Mann was the first secretary for the Board of Education. He would travel across the country to different schools to see what changes needed to be made. He is often called the Father of American Educaiton.
  • Comittee of Ten

    A group came together to create the first core standards for high schoolers.
  • Progressive Education

    A widespread desire for better schools and schooling became apparent and many fought for reform.
  • Measurement Movement

    Test begin to come out to measure a person's intellegence.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Dewey believed in a student-centered curriculum and changed the way teachers taught. He wrote a book called Democracy and Education.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    Segregation had been a part of the U.S. since it had been founded. It wasn't until 1954, after some dramatic displays and unconstiutional actions that the Supreme Court finally decided that segregation should not be a part of the public schooling system.
  • Baby Boom

    After WWII there were few teachers and after the baby boom there were plenty of students. This changed the average classroom size and instruction. Different things were taught after the war as well. This included a bigger emphasis on patriotsim.
  • Sputnik

    We changed our curriculum to try and become more advanced than the Soviet Union.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    This law allowed for accomidations to be made for those with disabilitites. This helped many people be successful.
  • No Child Left Behind

    A program that unsuccesfful tried to get all students at similar levels.