The 1930's

By 425856
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff
    This raised tariffs to their highest price in U.S. history. President Wilson thought it would increase agriculture profits in the time of such depression. The opposite occurred and it actually lengthened the depression.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    Japan occupied this Chinese City, against treaty obligations. This is the first step to American involvment in WWII.
  • Recontruction Finance Corporation

    Recontruction Finance Corporation
    President Hoover established this corporation in an effort to relieve some effects of the depression. It gave money to railroads, banks, and other industries. The effort was to small scale to have any success.
  • Hitler Gains Power

    Hitler Gains Power
    Despite winning only a minority of German votes, Hitler gains power of the country. This moves the world closer to war.
  • The Bonus Army

    The Bonus Army
    This was a group of WWI veterans who protested in Washington D.C. for over a month. They wanted the bonus they earned from the war, but the government had no money as it was.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    The day after Roosevelt is elected into office, he establishes many new policies in an effort to revive the country.
  • Repeal Of Prohibition

    Repeal Of Prohibition
    President Roosevelt passes the 21st Amendment, allowing the sale and consumption of alcohol. This was widely supported by the public and helped cut gangster's profits.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    This act provided welfare for the homeless and benefits for the elderly. It aided many people it the time and still does.
  • W.P.A. Created

    W.P.A. Created
    Congress Approved the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act. 4.8 billion dollers was alloted to put Americans to work. The largest program supported by this was the Works Progress Administration. At the time is employed 3.5 million people and built or improved over 20,000 schools, hospitals, or public parks.
  • Minimum Wage Set

    Minimum Wage Set
    The Fair Labor Standard Act set minimum wage at 25 cents per hour (which soon raised to 40) and a 44 hour hour work week (which soon lowered to 40).