Top 10 Events of American Independenc

  • First English Settlement Founded

    First English Settlement Founded
    Jamestown, Virginia was the first successful English settlement. Was the start of America.
  • Colonies Unite

    Colonies Unite
    Benjamin Franklin proposed to thirteen delegates, one from each colony. They were chosen to make the naval forces stronger, make peace and war with the Indians, and regulate trade and tax from them.
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Stamp Act of 1765
    It was a law saying that all legal documents, certain business agreements, and newspapers use tax stamps. The taxes on them were too high.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Many colonists agreed with a boycott of English goods. So, the Bristish troops that were in Boston fired at crowd of people. Five colonists were killed by the British troops at the massacre.
  • Committees of Correspondence Formed

    Committees of Correspondence Formed
    The Committiees of Correspondence formed by Samual Adams to carry on the resistance of the British. They spread out through the colonies to exchange information between them.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Men dressed as Indians boarded three tea ships that were in the Boston Harbor. They then opened the chests and dumped all the tea in the sea to resist British control of tea trade.
  • Delegates met in Philadelphia

    Delegates met in Philadelphia
    The meeting lasted two months. The members of the First Continental Congress disgussed situation that was getting worse. and were thinking of plans to take action. They sent a Declaration of Rights to King George III. They urged the colonies to refuse all trade with England.
  • Delegates Meeting Adjourned

    Delegates Meeting Adjourned
    The two month long meeting of the delegates was finally over. They called for a second congress to be formed. All thirteen colonies supported their actions.
  • The Revolution Began

    The Revolution Began
    The Revolution between the thirteen colonies and Britain began. The thirteen colonies were finally trying to get away from British control.
  • Declartion of Independence was Signed

    Declartion of Independence was Signed
    The thirteen colonies became their own nation. It stated all people are created equal and we have certain rights that can not be taken from us. The thirteen colonies were now free and independent states.