Cold war tmieline

By lipt26
  • Civil War in Nicaragua

    This when the rebel group the contras decided to fight back against the government of nicaragua that they hated so much.
  • Mao Zedong takes control of China

    Mao Zedong after their falling economy. Mao was able to come to power because of the time of crisises. Then took over and industralized the entire country
  • Korean War

    When korea teamed up with the Soviet Union against the US, but after a long time korea retreated from the US.
  • Vietnam War

    When the soviet union thought the americans wouldntt help the south out so the wanted to help the north take over south, but it was a bloody battle ending with the sides seprated in different countries.
  • Soviet Invasion of Hungary

    It was when the Soviet decided to try and take over hungary, but after a long time of battling Hungary signed the Warsaw pact.
  • • Fidel Castro Takes Over Cuba

    a man who wanted power in his country. So he evenutally worked his way on the posistions in power until he was the ruler of his country of cuba.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Where Castro and other trained soilders tried to take over the government that he lost to earlier during the cold war.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    When both america and soveit union were just waiting for each other to kill each other with a nuke so cuba needed to get invovle help figure this out.
  • Soviet invason of czechoslovakia

    They wanted thier land so they decdied to try and take it by force but they ended up signing the warsaw pact
  • SALT Treaty Talks

    This was a treaty to stop the nuclear warfare from going. So this ended the cold war bewteen the US and the Soveit Union
  • Nixon Visits China

    Nixon goes the visit china and tries to talk to them about the fears of communisim.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    Soviet is trying to get more power and act as a threat in europe but ended failing to take over afghanistan.
  • Iran/Iraq War

    this a war bewteen iran and iraq becasue iraq invaded iran. then getting into a violent but becasue of iraq the US is force to get invovled
  • Revolution in Iran

    Iran trying to get a new type of government into power but having a hard time getting that to happen.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev takes control of USSR

    Saw the time to take over and took and made the ussr into a communsim.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The wall that seprated the western side of berlin was finally destoryed, by the west side.
  • Soviet Union Falls Apart

    After the Soviet union tried to take over most of europe they fail horrilbe and this destoryed their entire country and they fall apart