Cold War Timeline Assignment

  • Civil War in Nicaragua

    A civil war now broke out and General José María Moncada was the leader of those fighting for an independent Nicaragua. In April 1927, the United States sent Henry L. Stimson to mediate the civil war. He reached a conclusion that both sides would give up equally. In addition, a new military force, the Nicaraguan National Guard, would be established under United States supervision. This was known as the Pact of Espino Negro.
  • Mao Zedong takes control of China

    Mao Zedong and his army invade and take control of China. This is imporntant because it starts a quarrel between China and the Communists of China.
  • Korean War

    This war began because of political divison between Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. This war is located on the Korean Penninsula.
  • Vietnam War

    From 1957 to 1965, the war was mainly a struggle between the South Vietnam's army and Communist South Vietnam rebels. The U.S. provided military advisors. The first U.S. troops entered Vietnam in March 1965. By 1969, the Vietnam War seemed endless, and the United States slowly began to withdraw troops. In January 1973, a cease-fire was arranged.
  • Soviet Invasion of Hungary

    The invastion of Hungary by the Soviet Union led to a narion wide revolt against the government of the Hungary and its Soviet driven policies. The revolts spread across Hungary quickly, and they were crushed.
  • Fidel Castro Takes Over Cuba

    Fidel Castro invades Cuba and takes over the Cuban Government. This raised tensions betweent the two contries as the Cold War continues.
  • The Bay of Pigs Invasion

    The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an unsuccessful attempt by Cuban exiles who were recieving support by the U.S. to overthrow the government of the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro who was running a government revolving around communism.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war. The United States army was ready to use their weapons if necessary. Along with that the Soviets were also ready to use if necessary.President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev were able to negotiate the problems and avoid war.
  • Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    This invasion that took place overnight was successfully stopped. The Soviets lost a lot of troops in this invasion. In stopping this invasion, the Communist Party of Czechosolvakia was strengthened.
  • Nixon Visits China

    Conditions between the U.S and China were brought to better terms when Nixon visited China. Terms of War were discussed on this trip.
  • SALT Treaty Talks

    SALT was also known as Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. This began in November 1969 and ended in January 1972, This agreement on the two documents: the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and the Interim Agreement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms between the Soviet Union and the U.S. Made terms of war more clear for both sides.
  • Revolution in Iran

    The main purpose of the revolution in Iran was to throw over the monarchy held there. Thir revolution was successful, and led to the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    Soviet Army invaded Afganistan by ground and Air. They took control of the government and successfully invaded.
  • Iran/Iraq War

    This war was held in the Persian Gulf between Iran and Iraq. There was no winner of this war but both claimed victory. Very costly war.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev takes control of USSR

    Mikhail Gorbachev takes control of the Soviet Union and does damage to their economy. He proposed the ideas of Perestrokia and Glasnost. He wanted to end the Cold War.
  • Soviet Union Falls Apart

    The main reason why the Soviet Union failed to succeed is that their economy fell apart. Their socialist ideas didnt hold up.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall was the barrier separating the West Berlin from East Berlin. It was torn down because East and West Berlin were being rejoined. The main reason the wall went up was to seperate communists from noncommunists.