
By period3
  • birth

    Gorge W.Bush was born on july 6,1946 in New Haven,Conneticut
  • transfered

    bushes were transfered to Midland,Texas
  • oil bussiness

    bushes father starthed an oil bussiness
  • brother

    in 1953 bushs brother had been born
  • accepted

    bush was accepted to Phillips Academy in Andover,Massachussets
  • cheering

    bush was head cheerleader at phillips academy in 1964.
  • attending

    bush attended yale frome 1964-1968
  • earning his wings

    bush earned his wings to fly a jet
  • officer bush

    bush was made officer in the nationalair guard
  • gave speech of life

    On september 20 bush gave the speech of his life to becoming president.