The Life Of Augustus

  • In 19 and 18 B.C. he passed several laws to encourage marriage, restore family life, and discourage childlessness. He expanded the empire, stabilized its frontiers, reorganized the army, and created a permanent navy. It was an era of profound peace and t

  • In 23 B.C. he again altered his position in the state. He resigned the consulate, making it possible for more senators to hold that office.He was soon given the right to call meetings of the Senate, to submit the first item of business, and to sit between

  • finally in January of 27 B.C. he announced his plans before a meeting of the Senate. He said he had decided to restore the republic.

  • In 31 B.C. the forces of Antony and Cleopatra met those of Octavian at Actium, and in a great sea battle Octavian emerged victorious. Antony and Cleopatra fled to Egypt, where they committed suicide in the following year. Octavian thus became the sole rul

  • In 41 B.C., Antony's wife, Fulvia, led a revolt against Octavian. Relations between the two men became so strained that they decided to meet in 40 at Brundisium, in southern Italy, where they effected a reconciliation. The triumvirs divided the Roman empi

  • In 43 B.C. they defeated Antony at Mutina. Octavian turned to Antony, who in the meantime had joined his forces with those of Lepidus, another of Caesar's lieutenants, and the three of them marched on Rome late in 43 and secured the passage of a law that

  • Augustus is born in 63 B.C.