
  • Born in Riyadh Saudi Arabia

    Born in Riyadh Saudi Arabia
    Osama Bin laden was born in a modest family in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. He had fifty to fifty-five brothers and sisters. His home was a normal house for the part he live of Sadi Araba.
  • Osama becomes very religous

    Osama becomes very religous
    Osama becomes a deep religous man for Allah. He is a very loyal muslim. He starts to give speeches to inspire young people to be kind to Allah. He taught that you should do anything Allah tells you to do.
  • Organized militias of Jihad

    Organized militias of Jihad
    Osama started to organize militias of Jihad. He was jioning groups of muslim fighters. Although he managed to keep this a secret he was still able to keep his hero status.
  • Osama goes to war

    Osama goes to war
    Osama decides to fight against the russians. The U.S. starts to supply them with weapons to defeat them. Osamas reputation was at hero status now. He led them to victory.
  • world trade centers

    world trade centers
    Osama told us it would happen. He prepared we didn't. He took his muslim fighters and made them belive and told them that terrorism needs to be spread. Jihad he taught was made by Allah.
  • President Bush callls meeting

    President Bush callls meeting
    Following the attack everybody was filled with uncertainty and revenge. When president Bush called the meeting nobody knew what he was gonna say. He said that we will hunt them down and put a stop to them.
  • Security doubled

    Security doubled
    In fear of being killed Osama doubled his security. Doing so some uncertainty that he would be alive very much longer was starting to spread.
  • Goes into hiding

    Goes into hiding
    After numerous attempts to kill him he started to live in caves.