The Agony of Reconstruction

  • Lincoln sets forth 10 percent Reconstruction plan

    Lincoln decided he needed a program to bring and restore the South back into the Union. The Ten Percent Plan was designed to do so. It said once 10 percent of the voting population of a state had taken an oath the state could set up a loyal government. war uniforms.jpg; and
  • Wade-Davis Bill passes Congress but is pocket-vetoed by Lincoln

    Congress passed this bill stating that the majority of a southern state's white males must take an oath and guarantee equality for African Americans to be reunited with the Union.
  • Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative

    Andrew Johnson became President after Lincoln's assination. He wanted three things: to declare the ordinances of secession illegal, repudiate the Confederate debt, and ratify the Thirteenth Amendment, to abolish slavery. Congress did not like his plans and then took over the initiative.
  • Congress refuses to seat representatives and senators elected from states reestablished under presidential plan

    Congress refused to seat these representatives and senators because of their disagreement on the reconstruction. Congress refused the seats to the newly elected southern delegation from Johnson.
  • Johnson vetoes Freedmen's Bureau Bill

    Johnson vetoed the Freedmen's Bureau Bill against the Republican support. Freedmen's Bureau would aid the former slaves and help them start a new life. Johnson did not agree and later revealed his intention to abandon the Republican party to start his own. This was just one disagreement between Johnson and Congress.
  • Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act; it passes over his veto

    This Bill was ment to nullify the Black Codes. Johnson again disagreed with Congress. Although he vetoed it, the two-third majority over-ruled it.
  • Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment

  • Republicans increase their congressional majority in the fall elections

    Upset with the country, Americans were ready for a change from the Johnson administration. Republicans stepped up to the plate, gained the majorty in Congress, and passed laws. The majority grew to two-thirds as the Republican party gained strength.
  • First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto

    Now that Congress held the power in the plan of Reconstruction, they began the Radical Reconstruction. Under the First Reconstruction Act, the South became under military rule. It stated a southern state could join the Union once African American's had equal voting rights. act.jpg
  • Johnson is impeached; he avoids conviction by one vote

    Congressed tried to remove Johnson from office. Although Johnson was not removed, Congress knew they could now finish their Reconstruction plan without problems from the President.
  • Southern blacks vote and serve in consitutional conventions

    Sixteen African Americans served in Congress at this time. Rascism did remain, however the achievement of holding a high position like this could have never been imagined a few years before.
  • Grant wins presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour

    Ulysses S. Grant, Republican, was a popular general who won the election of 1868. Democratic Seymour lost 214 to 80 electoral votes.
  • Congress passes Fifteenth Amendment, granting African Americans the right to vote

    The Republican effort in African American equality can be seen in the Fifteenth Amendment. This amendmentprohibited the denial of the right to vote by the government on the basis of race, color, or prior condition as a slave. Its purpose was to give African Americans in the South equal rights to vote.
  • Congress passes Ku Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights in the South

    The Ku Klux Klan Acts, also know as the Force Acts gave the government military permission to ensure African American suffrage in the South.
  • Grant re-elected president, defeating Horace Greeley, candidate of Liberal Republicans and Democrats

    Grant won the Election of 1872 by a 56% popular vote, beating Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, who died before the electoral college voted.
  • Financial panic plunges nation into depression

    The issue between greenbackers (wanted more paper money issued) and hard money supporters made its way to politics and as the Panic of 1873, Congress issued a set amount of greenbacks to be print to inflate the economy.
  • Congress passes Specie Resumption Act

    This act called for a limited reducution of greenbacks leading to a full resumption of specie payments by the begining of 1879. It was led by Ohio Senator John Sherman.
  • "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed

    Orville Babcock, Grant's private secretary defrauded the government millions of dollars in liquor taxes. This was one scandel that Grant had to deal with during his second term
  • Disputed preidential election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden

    Rutherford B. Hayes won the Election of 1876, 185 electoral votes to 184, the Democratic Samuel J. Tilden, and 0 to Greenback Peter Cooper.
  • Compromise of 1877 ends military intervention in the South and causes fall of the last Radical governments

    This compromise happened during the Election of 1876. The Democrats accepted Hayes as President for the withdrawl of troops in the South. This eneded the Reconstruction.