
The Agony of Reconstruction

  • Lincoln sets forth 10 percent Reconstruction plan

    Lincoln sets forth 10 percent Reconstruction plan
    President Lincoln issed a Ten Percent Plan that stated if ten percent of a southern state's population took an oath of alligence to the Union then the state could reenter the Union and set up a loyal government.
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction After the Civil War

  • Wade-Davis Bill passes Congress but is pocket-vetoed by Lincoln

    Wade-Davis Bill passes Congress but is pocket-vetoed by Lincoln
    The Wade-Davis Bill required 50 percent of a southern state's voters to take an oath of future loyalty in order for restoraion to take place in that state. Whenn President Lincoln was faced with this attempt to overtake his own plan, he refused to sign it before Congress adjorned, which is called a "pocket veto".
  • Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative

    Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative
    When Andrew Johnson, a Southern Democrat and white supremacist suceeded Lincoln as president after his assasination, Johnson took Reconstruction into his own hands. He put southern states under appointed provisional governors and "loyal" voters and to take the vow prescribed by Lincoln. All persons that had participated in the rebellion were prohibited from participating.
  • Congress refuses to seat representitives and senators elected from states reestablished under presidential plan

    Congress refuses to seat representitives and senators elected from states reestablished under presidential plan
    Most Republicans were aggravated by the seemingly inflexible Southern Democrats and when they discovered that the president was going to abondon the Republican causes to form a much more conservative party that played to his own agenda, they refused to allow any persons elected in the reconstructionist southern states to be seated to Congress.
  • Republicans increase their congressional majority in the fall elections

    Republicans increase their congressional majority in the fall elections
    Northern voters were so aggravated with Southern reconstruction and a president with special interests in the south, that they populated Congress with a two-thirds majority of Republicans in both houses.
  • Johnson vetoes Freedmen's Bureau Bill

    Johnson vetoes Freedmen's Bureau Bill
    It was clear that President Johnson and Congress had irreeconcilable differences over black's rights when Johnson vetoed Freedman's Bureau Bill, which had passed with the overwhelming support of the Republicans.
  • Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act, it passes over his veto

    Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act, it passes over his veto
    President Johnson also vetoed a civil rights bill. Thsi bill was supposed to nullify the racist Black Codes and guarntee more equality towards blacks. His veto of this bill shocked most of the moderate Republican and caused insolvable differences between the president and Congress.
  • Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment

    Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment
    Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment as a way to make sure that civil rights legislation was correctly enforced. The Fourteenth Amendment gave the federal government responsibility for ensuring the equal rights of all individuals.
  • First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto

    First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto
    Congress ended up passing it's own Reconstruction Act, generally referred to as "Radical Recomstruction". This act paced the South under the rule of the army and opened a path towards the quick readmission of any southern state that ratified a constitution legalizing black suffrage.
  • Southern blacks vote and serve in constitutional conventions

    Southern blacks vote and serve in constitutional conventions
    After the "Radical Reconstruction" was passed blacks were then allowed to vote in general elections and for delegates in the constitutional conventions. Repulbicans mistakenly thought that after blacks could vote, that they would also be able to defend themselves against racist white supremacists.
  • Grant wins presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour

    Grant wins presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour
  • Johnson is impeached;he avoids conviction by one vote

    Johnson is impeached;he avoids conviction by one vote
    Johnson continually defied Congress and ordering General Grant to become the head of the War Department was the last straw before Congress moved to impeach him. The only reason that he was not convicted was because seven Republicans broke along party lines and moved for acquittal.
  • Congress passes Fifteenth Amendment granting African Americasn the right to vote

    Congress passes Fifteenth Amendment granting African Americasn the right to vote
    The fifteenth amemendmant passed by Congress prohibited the discrimination against any male who choose to vote. The fact that this amendment did not include womenhood suffrage disappointed most feminists.
  • Congress passes Ku Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights in the South

    Congress passes Ku Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights in the South
    When black suffrage was legalized, the Ku Klux Klan began to terrorize blacks so that they wouldn't vote. This caused the Force Acts to be passed, which made interference with voting rights a federal crime.
  • Grant re-elected president, defeating Horace Greeley, candidate of Liberal Republican and Democrats

    Grant re-elected president, defeating Horace Greeley, candidate of Liberal Republican and Democrats
    While Grant ran for reelection for the Republicans, the Democrats chose Horace Greeley to run against him.Greeley turned out to be a poor campaigner, failing to inspire any new voters, ehich caused Grant to be elected for his second term.
  • Financial panic plunges nation into depression

    Financial panic plunges nation into depression
    The financial panic in 1873 was caused by the unregualted printing of paper money that was not backed by hard currency such as silver or gold.
  • Congress passes Specie Resumption Act

    Congress passes Specie Resumption Act
  • "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed

    "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed
    In 1875, it was discovered that member's of Grant's administration had conspired to siphon millions out of federal liquor taxes.
  • Disputed presidential election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden

    Disputed presidential election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden
    When Hayes won the election by one electoral vote and three other states contested the results of their popular vote, the results of the election were undecided for months. Congress appointed a special electoral commission to determine who recieved the votes of the contested states. In the end, Hayes was elected president.
  • Compromise of 1877 ends military intervention in the South and causes fall of the last Radical governments

    Compromise of 1877 ends military intervention in the South and causes fall of the last Radical governments
    So that Hayes election was ensured, the Republican leaders struck a deal with the southern Democrats.. The Democrats allowed Hayes to become president as long as it was agreed that the troops would be removed from the South.