
By 25eburr
  • The U.S. War in Afghanistan

    The U.S. War in Afghanistan
    The United States went to war in Afghanistan after the terrorist attack of 9/11. They believed they were acting in self-defense against future attacks. They also were looking for Bin Laden and the al-Qaeda. The war lasted many years but it made an impact on the road to revolution. It showed that the US won't allow attacks like that and that they would send their military in if needed. (Photo: The Afghanistan War, history.com)
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

    9/11 Terrorist Attacks
    The attack on the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and Washington DC was an event that would change the way the US looked at terrorism. The four planes were hijacked and set for specific locations. The final plane that was headed for DC was hijacked by the passengers and they gave their lives by flying the plane into a field. This event was important for the road to revolution because it affected how the US saw terrorism. (Photo: Twin Towers Bombing, history.com)
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was one of the biggest and most devastating hurricanes for the US. It affected Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Many were trapped in their homes and those who followed government instruction found the resources lacking. FEMA was assigned to help local government in disasters, however, they did not manage the different teams. This affected the revolution because it allowed the government to see the weaknesses in the current systems. (Photo Flooded City, openstax.com)
  • The Clash Over Climate Change

    The Clash Over Climate Change
    The clash over climate change was not a new concept or arguement. However, this time they had the Kyoto Protocol. This stated that they would reduce greenhouse baskets. People augured about who's fault it was and who was going to need to clean up the mess. During this time they also made a lot of science and math research. This helped them onto the road to revolution. They were able to impact the government itself. (Photo: Kenya Drought/Climate Change, smithsonianmag.com)
  • The Great Recession

    The Great Recession
    In the year 2008 the United States economy went through a huge depression. The increase in subprime mortgages and credit default swamps made the people feel very prosperous at the time. However the market reached its peak, stalled, and then crashed. People who just bought homes could not sell them and could not afford to pay for them. This was an important step on the road to revolution because it shaped the economy into what it looks like today. (Photo: Job Seekers, federalreservehistory.com)
  • Works Cited

    “32.2 the Domestic Mission - U.S. History.” OpenStax, openstax.org/books/us-history/pages/32-2-the-domestic-mission. Accessed 25 May 2023.
    “9/11 Timeline - Videos, World Trade Center Attacks.” History.Com, www.history.com/topics/21st-century/9-11-timeline. Accessed 25 May 2023.
    “Afghanistan War - Key Events, Facts & Combatants.” History.Com, www.history.com/topics/21st-century/afghanistan-war. Accessed 25 May 2023.
  • Works Cited

    Magazine, Smithsonian. “Eight Ways That Climate Change Hurts Humans.” Smithsonian.Com, 10 Apr. 2014, www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/eight-ways-climate-change-hurts-humans-180950475/.
    Weinberg, John. “The Great Recession and Its Aftermath.” Federal Reserve History, www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/great-recession-and-its-aftermath. Accessed 25 May 2