
Brock B

  • Birth

    George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair.
  • It starts

    It starts
    Eric resigned from his job as an indian imperial guard and decided to become a writer.
  • First book

    First book
    Eric moved to Paris where lack of business forced him to work menial jobs. The outcome of this would become his first book "down and out in Paris and London." where he wrote about his experiences. Before the book was published he took the name George Orwell.
  • Animal Farm

    Animal Farm
    George Orwell published the book "Animal Farm" in 1945. This would make him financially stable for the first time in his life.
  • Orwells Death

    Orwells Death
    A year after he published the book 1984, a book in a totalitarian future, his health was not very good and died of TB (tuberculosis) on January 21, 1950