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20th Century

  • America was flexing its economic and political muscle on the international stage

    The era was defined by the temperance movement, Progressive-era activism, the sinking of the Titanic and World War I.
  • Dancing Takes Liftoff in the 1910s

    This was a huge movement for music. People really started to like dancing and restaurants had to start adding dance floors. People were now getting paid to write songs. Also a mixture of blues and ragtime, called Jazz, was created.
  • Period: to

    World I, World II, Cold War

    Significant geopolitical events that reshaped the political and social structure of the globe: World War I, the Spanish flu pandemic
  • The rise of a consumer-oriented economy and of mass entertainment

    which helped to bring about a "revolution in morals and manners." Sexual mores, gender roles, hairstyles, and dress all changed profoundly during the 1920s.
  • The king of Rock emerges in the 1950's

    The 50s saw the emergence and rise of what would come to be known as Rock ‘n Roll, but
    it was also witnessed the popularity of Country and Western music in a variety of forms. some
    musicians in this time period were Musicians like Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Hank Williams.
    The biggest artist of this time period was The King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley.
  • The identification of DNA structure by Watson, Crick and William

    who shared the Nobel Prize in 1962 is probably the most significant scientific discovery of the 20th century.
  • Rock gets better in the 1970's

    Progressive rock was another popular genre during the 1970s. This type of music was typically characterized by rock music combined with another genre, such as classical or opera, to create a hybrid genre, so to speak. The punk rock genre also emerged in the 1970s. This was a style that continued on the legacy of the 1960s but with a more upbeat and harder style.
  • Learn About America at the End of the Twentieth Century

    The first was a crisis of political leadership. Public cynicism toward politicians intensified, political party discipline declined, and lobbies and special interest groups grew in power. The second challenge involved wrenching economic transformations.