
1st Amendment

  • Debs V. United States

    Debs V. United States
    Following Eugene V. Debs's anti-war speech he was arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison. The cases main objective was to show that Debs was trying to openly protest against World War I. The case claimed that due to Debs speech, it interfered with the success of the draft in the United States. On the other hand, the defense argued that Debs was practicing his right to freedom of speech under the 1st Amendment. The court ruled in favor and upheld the Espionage Act of 1917.
  • Chaplinsky V. New Hampshire

    Chaplinsky V. New Hampshire
    In April of 1940 Walter Chaplinsky was handing out pamphlets and declaring that organized religion was a "racket." After drawing a crowd, the police soon arrested Chaplinsky. He was charged an convicted under the New Hampshire statute stated that intentionally hateful speech directed at others was illegal in public areas. Chaplinsky claimed the law was too vague. The court ruled in favor of New Hampshire and stated that the use of "fighting words" does not violate the 1st Amendment.
  • West Virginia V. Barnette

    West Virginia V. Barnette
    In this case the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment was declared to protect kids from being forced to say the pledge of allegiance and to salute the US flag. It was a significant court decision because it withheld religions that didn't allow saluting or pledging to symbols. The case rule in favor of Barnette allowing his religion to remain in practice for others alike.
  • United States V. O'Brien

    United States V. O'Brien
    This case was declared by the supreme court that the burning of a draft card did not violate an individuals first amendment rights. Although O'Brien's actions were recognized as a protest against the Vietnam war, it was declared that the suppression of said activity was in no way related to the rights present in the First Amendment.
  • Tinker V. Des Moines

    Tinker V. Des Moines
    Tinker v. Des Moines was a court case decided by the supreme court that defined the First Amendment rights of students. This led way to the Tinker test which was based of of "substantial disruption," meaning that as long as children's activities did not make a disruption to the school day, the actions could remain. This allowed for the Tinkers to wear their arm band without punishment because punishment would have violated their First Amendment rights.
  • Cohen V. California

    Cohen V. California
    In April of 1968, Robert Cohen displayed his opinions on the war by wearing a jacket that read "F**** the Draft" in a California Courthouse. Cohen was soon arrested for disturbing the peace in the courthouse. The case was taken to court and tried by the supreme court, the court ruled in favor of Cohen stating that the vulgar language on the jacket was upheld by the First Amendment and Cohen's right to freedom of speech.
  • Texas V. Johnson

    Texas V. Johnson
    During the 1984 Republican National Convention, Gregory Lee Johnson and other protesters marched through the streets of Dallas. After one protester handed Johnson an American Flag stolen from a nearby property, Johnson proceeded to light the flag on fire to display his values. Johnson was soon arrested and charged with a fine for violating the Texas laws that prohibits the vandalizing of respected objects. Following trial, it was found that his actions were protected by the First Amendment.
  • RAV V. St.Paul

    RAV V. St.Paul
    In April of 1991, a group of teen protesters made and light a makeshift wooden cross on fire in the front lawn of an African American family. The teens were arrested and charged with violating the St. Paul Bias-Motivated Crime Ordinance. Upon taking the case to trial, the Supreme court found the teens actions to be constitutional and withheld by the First Amendment. The charges were then dropped off the teens.
  • Reno V. ACLU

    Reno V. ACLU
    The Communications Decency Act was designed to help protect minors from viewing inappropriate content online. It was deemed unlawful to send such content to any person under the age of 18. Upon taking the case to court, the law was found to be unconstitutional because it violated an individuals First Amendment rights. It was the first major Supreme Court decision regarding use of the internet.
  • Morse V. Frederick

    Morse V. Frederick
    Following a banner put up at a public school by students reading, "Bong Hits 4 Jesus," students took their school to court claiming that their First Amendment rights were violated by the school. Upon trial in the Supreme Court, the school was found not guilty and the court declared that schools could suppress free speech if the speech promoted the use of illegal drugs.