Iconic images 1990s vulture child

1990's Digital Timeline: M9L3A1

  • President George H.W. Bush

    President George H.W. Bush
    41st president (89-93).
    Strong family values with a tradition of service and responsibility. He organized the support of 28 nations to help fight for Kuwait against the dictator Saddam Hussein..There were also issues in Panama, the Berlin Wall came down, and the spread of Communism halted. The Tienanmen Square incident pushed Bush to stop the sell of guns to China. He signed an anti drug law assisting in the fight against drugs to help keep Americans healthy.
  • Gerrymandering

    Partisan gerrymandering is when political party lines are drawn to benefit a particular party and make sure they win the most seats. In NC, after the census in 1990, the 12 congressional district was created and is said to be minority-majority because of how the lines were drawn. The census was April 1, 1990, the lines were submitted in 1991 and put in place for elections of 1992.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    This act prohibits discrimination against those with disabilities: employment; transportation; public accommodation; communications; and government activities.
  • Saddam Hussein

    Saddam Hussein
    Dictator/president of Iraq. Invaded Kuwait to take over oil fields on August 2, 1990 claiming the area was a historical part of Iraq.
  • Computer Revolution

    Computer Revolution
    The 1990s brought huge changes to the technology world! Tim Berners-Lee introduced the first web server and started the internet as we know it today.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    On Jan 16, 1991 Pres. Bush called for an air strike in response to Hussein failing to withdraw from Kuwait. Ground troops were sent in on February 24th and a cease fire was issued on February 28th when Hussein's army surrendered and Kuwait was liberated.
  • Justice Clarence Thomas

    Justice Clarence Thomas
    Appointed by President George HW Bush. Second African American Supreme Court Judge. Accused by Anita Hill of sexual harassment. Considered a controversial appointment.
  • 27th Amendment

    27th Amendment
    This amendment prevents Congress members from giving themselves a raise.
  • Election of 1992

    Election of 1992
    There were three people running for President in this election. Bill Clinton came out the winner.
  • Famine in Somalia

    Famine in Somalia
    President Bush attempted to help the Somalian people by ordering troops into the area. Operation Hope was his plan to send food and military aide during their time of need.

    The North American Trade Agreement exists between Canada, Mexico and the US. This trilateral agreement created one of the worlds largest free trade zones.
  • Brady Bill

    Brady Bill
    The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Bill) made it necessary to do Federal Background checks on all firearm purchasers. This Bill was named in honor of James Brady who was injured at the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan.
  • Impeachment of President Bill Clinton

    Impeachment of President Bill Clinton
    The House of Representatives initiated the impeachment of Bill Clinton on Dec 19, 1998 after Clinton lied to a grand jury about his involvement with White House intern Monica Lewenski. On February 12, 1999 the Senate acquitted him of the charges.

  • Newt Gingrich

    Newt Gingrich
    Newt Gingrich was the 50th Speaker of the House of Representatives. He was strong in the Republican party's push for Clinton's impeachment. After the 1998 elections, he announced he would resign, and officially stepped down on January 3rd, 1999.