
  • Polio Vaccine

    Jonas Salk Develops Polio Vaccine. Sone after children were being vaccinated and that was a 60-70% prevention.The annual number of polio cases fell from 35,000 in 1953 to 5,600 by 1957. By 1961 only 161 cases were recorded in the United States.
  • The creation of Disneyland

    Disneyland was created by Walt Disney and remains today as one of the greatest theme park capitals of the world. It second only to Disney World.
  • Stock Market begins to crash

    As a result of the President's heart attack, the stock market begins to suffer. The market that had seen stocks triple on Wall Street in the previous seven years went into a tailspin, the Dow Jones plummeting over 6 percent and losing $14 billion in value. This would end up being the worst day for the stock market since WW2.
  • Period: to

    The Starting of Deflation

    Deflation starts.
  • The Doctrine of Eisenhower

    Under Eisenhower's Doctrine, countries could request American economic assistance from U.S. military forces if it was being threatened by armed aggression from another country.
  • Civil Rights act

    The Civil Rights Act of 1957 ensured all Americans the right to vote. This was a big step in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Space Race

    The Russians launch of Sputnik started the revolutionary Space Race.
  • NASA

    NASA is formed creating a multitude of jobs for the economy. The Mercury 7 became the first astronauts.
  • Worsening of the Stock market

    The stock market was falling and unemployment still hovered at 7%. This showed instability in America’s economy. It was thought that there was a rapid growth of loans and bank credit.
  • Medicare and Medicaid are created

  • Martin Luther King Jr is assassinated

    Famous for his I Have A Dream Speech and very active in Civil Rights Movement. Ames Earl Ray ended up shooting Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Microsoft

    Bill Gates founds Microsoft.