1914CE-Present (Unit5) Mueggenborg

By Garpad
  • WWI

    -Began because of the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
    -Brought about the machine gun
    -German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires had all been defeated by the end of the war
    -League of NAtions formed to prevent another major conflict like this one
  • Russian Revolution

    -Series of revolutions in Russia
    -Took down the Tsarist autocracy to form a provisional government
    -Provisional government was taken down during revolution too
    -Led to the creation of the Soviet Union
  • Wilson's 14-Point Plan

    -Woodrow Wilson's plan to end WWI
    -Generally welcomed by Europe
    -Never ratified by the U.S. Senate
    -Ended up not being put in effect
  • Nelson Mandela

    -Activist against apartheid in Africa
    -Leader of the African National Congress
    -Imprisoned by the South Afriacan Courts for leading a movement against apartheid
    -Became the President of South Africa after he was released from prison
    -Has been awarded The Noble Peace Prize
  • Treaty of Versailles

    -Treaty that ended World War I
    -Germany was forced to accept responsibility for starting the war
    -Germany wasn't allowed to have an army anymore
  • League of Nations

    -Formed after WWI in the Paris Peace Conference
    -Joined to ensure another world war wouldn't occur again
    -Based in Switzerland
    -Idea came from the president of the U.S., however the U.S. didn't join
  • Ghandi

    -Went to law school in London
    -Fought for the people of India and South Africa's important civil liberties
    -Believed the way to succeed was without the use of violence
    -Led many protest against the gruesome treatment of people
  • Chinese Civil War

    -War between the Kuomintang (nationalist) and the communist in China
    -One side wanted to make China more like The U.S. (who supported this side) and the other wanted to make China like The Soviet Union (who supported this side)
    -The Communist, led by Mao Zedong, won
    -Mao was made China's leader and named it The People's Republic of China
  • Stalin's 5-Year Plan

    -Plan to modernize Russia economaically
    -Dams, railroads, canals, mines and factories were built
    -Created by Stalin to reach the rest of the industrialized world
    -Most structres were built using prison labor
    -If prison workers ran out, Stalin could just have more people arrested and force them to work
  • Great Depression

    -Severe worldwide depression
    -Occured after WWI
    -Originated in the U.S. with the fall of stock prices
    - Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped for many around the world, rich and poor
    -International trade went down
  • Hitler comes to power

    -Able to rise to power in Germany because of the weak state it was in after WWI
    -Hitler and his party, the Nazis, atracted members of the middle and lower class for the most part
    -Appointed chancellor in 1933
    -Many Germans believed he would save their nation
  • WWII

    -Began with the Germans invasion of Poland
    -Germany was still upset with the outsome of WWI
    -Britain and France declared war on Germany immediately afterwards
    -The drop of the Berlin Wall was a sign of the end of the war
  • Vietnam War

    -Struggle between nationalists forces attempting to unify Vietnnam under a communist government and the U.S. trying to prevent the spread of communism
    -Vietnam was divided into the North and South after the Geneva Accords were signed
    -President Nixon slowly withdrew U.S. troops from Vietnam, left the south weak
    -South surrendered to the north in 1975, the country was reunited as a communist country
  • Cold War

    -War between communist nations (led by the Soviet Union) and democratic nations (led by the U.S.)
    -After WWII, the U.S. and the USSR held high power in the world so they grew to be rivals
    -Both sides got a hold of nuclear weapons so always threatend one another, though didn't attack beacuse of the extent of destruction they'd cause
    -Ended with the fall of the Iron Curtain (division between both sides, west Europe and east)
  • Juan Peron

    -An Argentine general and diplomat
    -Elected to serve as president of Argentina three times
    -His policies usually favored the working class
    -Wanted to increase emloyment and economic growth for his people
    -Managed to be in good terms with both The U.S. and The Soviet Union during the years of the Cold War
  • Indian Independence

    -Land had been conquered by the British, little by little, since 1619
    -People of India prospered British rule due to the economic benefits they held, socially it was a different story
    -Indians began boycotting goods, courts, schools and elections that had came from the British
    -British lost control of India because of how complex the region had become (many different cultures, languages, religions, etc.)
  • Creation of Pakistan

    -Seperated from the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent
    -Movement towards an independent Muslim state was led by Muhammad Ali
    -Movement became popular because of the Muslims of the Indian region
    -Built upon the idea of a two-nation theory, which was composed of "one nation, one culture, one language"
  • NATO

    -A political association between the U.S. and it's western allies
    -All memebers of NATO were to defend eachother if such event would occur where one was being attacked or threatend by an external party
    -Based in Brussels, Belgium
    -Caused some Europeans to adopt U.S. military practices
  • Mao Zedong and Maoism

    -Founder and leader of The People's Republic of China
    -Wanted to eliminate social classes and have a communist government
    -Launched a cultural revolution and wanted to get rid of the four olds (customs, ideas, habits, and culture)
    -Killed anybody who did't agree with his ideas
    -An ideology formed after him, Maoism, which followed Mao's beliefs
  • Korean War

    -Began when the Soviet Union and the U.S. ran Japan out of Korea, the USSR maintained the top half while the U.S. took the bottom half
    -USSR left behind a communist government in the north, while the U.S. left behind a democratic government
    -Each side wanted to unify Korea into their own form of government
    -North Korea invaded the south
    -UN met with other countries to try and settle the dispute but no agreement was ever reached
  • Warsaw Pact

    -An allience between The Soviet Union and it's eastern alliences, known to be agreed upon in The Treaty of Friendship
    -Military allience where one country would come to the aid of another should a foreign party place a threat or choose to attack them
    -Warsaw Pact was made in responce to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • Great Leap Forward

    -An attempt by Mao Zedong to modernize China's economy
    -Mao wanted to rival the economy of America
    -Planned to develop industry and agriculture
    -People were forced to work for series of communes, not for themselves
  • Berlin Wall

    -Barrier built seperating East Germany and West Germanyduring the Cold War
    -East Germany allied with The Soviet Union
    -East German's weren't allowed to go to the other side of the wall
    -The fall of the Berlin Wall was one of the signs that the Cold War had ended
  • Bay of PIgs

    -Plan by a CIA force of Cuban exiles and the U.S. to invade southern Cuba
    -Goal was to overthrow the Cuban governemnt of Fidel Castro
    -The U.S. felt threatend by the communist government and didn't want it to spread to their country
    -Invasion was unsuccessful as the cuban military put up a strong fight against the U.S.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    -The Soviet Union wanted to build nuclear weapons in Cuba pointing at the United States to place a threat at them
    -Fidel Castro, leader of Cuba, welcomed the idea since he felt threatened by the U.S.
    -Word got out of the construction of the nuclear weapons being built and President Kennedy demanded the USSR to back out of the plan
    -Naval forces surrounded Cuba stopping the construction of the nuclear weapons
  • Helsinki Accords

    -Signed by 35 nations
    -Recognized the borders of Europe and of teh Soviet Union
    -All nations agreed to promote personal liberties to those in theri countries
    -Accords provided both the western countries and the USSR with what they had been seeking
  • Islamic Revolution (Iran)

    -Began with the opposition of the Shi'i against the Shah
    -Opposition was led by Ayatollah Khomeini who distributed casettes all through Iran
    -The Shah left Iran, Shapour Bakhtiar became prime minister, Bakhtiar then went into hiding because of the chaos, and Khomeini became the spiritual leader of Iran
    -Khomeini made a new constitution reflecting all his ideals of Islamic governemnt
    -Khomeini died and was replaced by Hojatolislam Said Ali Khamenei, who improved relations with the west
  • Iran-Iraq War

    -Iraq attacked Iran claiming Iranian forces were staging raids across their common border
    -Iraqi President Saddam Hussein wanted full control of the Shatt al-Arab waterway
    -Waterway was an important channel for the oil exports of both countries
    -In the end, borders of both countries remained unchanged and Hussein recognized Iran's rights to the eastern half of the Shatt al-Arab
  • Tiananmen Square

    -A city square in the center of Beijing, China
    -Protest began in the square with the mourning over the death of a party official who had been killed over his support of political liberalization
    -Protest turned into a mass movement for political reform in support of liberization
    -The government responded with force against the protesters, leaving many killed or injured
  • Reunification of Germany

    -Triggered by the fall of the Berlin Wall
    -Both Germanies signed a treaty, Two-plus-Four-Treaty, to agree on the union
    -West and East Germany reached an agreement with the powers responsible for Germany as a whole in regards to foreign and security policy determining German unity
    -Consider themselves a post-classical democratic national state
  • USSR Disintegrates

    -Disintegration occurred in their economy, social structure, and political structure
    -Caused by the weakening of the Soviet government
    -The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union agreed to give up its power
    -Many of the republics of the Soviet Union declared their independence and were recognized as sovereign nation-states
  • September 11, 2001

    -Two World Trade Center towers in New York attacked by airlines, as well as the Pentagon and another attack in Pennsylvania
    -The deadliest terrorist attack in America
    -Attacks were coordinated by Al-Qaeda
    -Left about 3,000 people dead from passangers in the jets, to firefighters, to the hijackers