14th Amendment

By Dreed16
  • America rises

    America rises
    The constituion oficially becomes a document to hold above all others in the way of laws and rights.
  • Period: to

    The history of the 14th Amendment

  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    The civil war begins over slavery and differences between the north and the south.
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    the Civil War ends in favor of the North. Black slaves are freed.
  • 14th Amendment ratified

    The 14th amendment becomes official, rending thousands of black slaves free in the south. A major victory for the well being of the country.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    The Louisiana legislature had laws requiring balcks and whites to sit in seperate train cars so long as they were equal. Plessy, 7/8 Caucasian, sat int he white's car and was arrested. He lost in every court in louisiana before taking his issue to the Supreme court, which ruled 7-1 that it did not violate the 14th amandmentso long as the cars were equal.
  • Lochner vs New York

    Lochner, a baker from New York, was convicted of violating the New York Bakeshop Act, which prohibited bakers from working more than 10 hours a day and 60 hours a week. The Supreme Court struck down the Bakeshop Act, however, ruling that it infringed on Lochner’s “right to contract.” The Court extracted this “right” from the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, a move that many believe exceeded judicial authority.
  • Bown vs Board of Education

    This was a court case to end the segregation of schools based on race. It was ruled to be agaginst the 14th amendment and went toward brown.
  • Loving vs Virginia

    By 1967, 16 states had still not repealed the laws prohibiting marriage between races. Mildred and Richard Loving were one such couple in Virginia. The two travelled to Washington D.C. where they could be married, but they were arrested due to their state law. Because their offense was a criminal conviction, after being found guilty, they were given a prison sentence of one year. The Supreme court ruled it unconstitutional and repealed the law due to racial discrimination.