Midwest and great plains

History of the Midwest and Great Plains

  • Joliet explores the Mississippi River

    Joliet explores the Mississippi River
    Mapmaker Louis Joliet set out to find the Great River (also known as the Mississippi River). Jacques Marquette accompanied him on his journey. These were probably the first white explorers of the Mississippi River.
  • Village that became Cincinnati is started

    Village that became Cincinnati is started
    Settlers established a village along the Ohio River called Losantiville, which was renamed Cincinnati in 1790. It became an important port city when steamboats began moving along the Ohio River.
  • Lewis and Clark begin exploring the West

    Lewis and Clark begin exploring the West
    Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out from what is now St. Louis, Missouri, to explore the west. They hired a fur trapper as a guide and his wife, Sacajawea, helped the explorers communicate with Native Americans along the way. They reached the Pacific Ocean in November 1805.
  • Nicodemus, Kansas, is settled

    Nicodemus, Kansas, is settled
    Many African Americans, who had settled west of the Mississippi River after gaining their freedom after the Civil War, established a settlement in Kansas they called Nicodemus.
  • Jane Addams starts the Hull House

    Jane Addams starts the Hull House
    Jane Addams established a neighborhood center called the Hull House. Here, she taught young, immigrant mothers how to care for their children. She also provided day-care support and helped immigrants find jobs so that they could support themselves and their families.