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1930-1939 Trish and Carley

By TC12
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff

    Smoot-Hawley Tariff
    This tariff was passed on forgein imports, by President Hoover, and it was the highest in American history, resulting in a backlash of a higher tariff with other countries that America traded with. Big businesses thought it would be in their interest have high tariffs so that it would benefit them by protecting their markets from forgein competition, but it was ineffective because forgein countries did the same on U.S. goods, making national and international economy deeper into the depression.
  • Star-Spangled Banner Official Anthem

    Star-Spangled Banner Official Anthem
    President Hoover signs a bill making the Star-Spangled Banner the United State's national anthem.
  • Norris-La Guardia Act

    Norris-La Guardia Act
    This act prohibited businesses from having contracts or policies against a worker partaking in strikes or a labor union. This law was one of the first laws to protect the rights of workers, allowing them to form unions, and strike. This law was also beneficial to the employees because this law was the beginning of the shift of power from the employer to the employee.
  • Bonus March

    Bonus March
    Thousands of unemployed WWI veterens came into Washington, D.C. wanting their bonuses early rather than the original date, with their familes they camped out near the Capitol. Congress was unable to pass the bill to give the veterans their money causing more anger and tension. When Hoover orderd the army/police to break up the encampment, the army used tear gas and tanks to push out the veterans from. This specific event gave Hoover the reputation of a heartless and uncaring to Americans.
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average Drops

    Dow Jones Industrial Average Drops
    The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches am all time low of 41.22.
  • Iowa Farmers' Union

    Iowa Farmers' Union
    A strike that lasted 30 days with the purpose of raising farm prices, the union was successful, but used a great amount violence.
  • Election of 1932

    Election of 1932
    Hoover ran on the Republican ticket and Roosevelt ran on the Democrat ticket. Roosevelt won 472 electoral votes beating Hoover's 59. Where the Democrats took control of the senate, outnumbering Republicans 60 to 35. FDR's campaign was based on the "New Deal", giving vague promises, with in the New Deal FDR had the Three R's: Recovery, Reform, and Relief. Also in his first inaugural address he promised a "policy of the good neighbor" to other nations in the Western Hemisphere.
  • 20th Amendment

    20th Amendment
    Also known as the "Lame Duck" amendment, which shortened the time between presidential elections and their inauguration, from March to January. This was put in place because in between the time of elections and the inauguration Hoover was unable to take action and FDR declined working with Hoover because he did not want to be tied to any Republican ideas, which put America in a deeper hole of the depression.
  • FDR's Fireside Chats

    FDR's Fireside Chats
    The first fireside chat was the first of many made by FDR. This first chat in particular was assuring Americans that the banks were safe after they were re-opened after the bank holiday. After the broadcasting the public responded greatly, when the re-opened banks had more deposits than withdraws. These chats help develop a new thing to do in the family home, a new updater, and brought hope to many Americans during the hard times of the depression.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    A huge dust storm consumes the mid-west, depositing as far east as Albany, New York. Making land incapable of producing crops, there was a migration of farmers mostly moving Oklahoma and Arkansas to California.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    The 21st Amendment was added to the Constitution, which repealed the 18th Amendment, resulting in the termination of Prohibition.
  • Schechter Poultry Corp v. United States

    Schechter Poultry Corp v. United States
    The Nation Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), which established the PWA and NRA. The act was declared unconstitutional in this court case. This was crucial to FDR's New Deal plan in helping giving immediate relief and long-term reform for the country.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    An act put in forth where taxes would be automatically collected from employees and employers throughout a person's working career. Then it would be used to give monthly payments to retired people over the age of 65, this also applied to those who were disabled and dependent children and their mothers. This act made is easier for the elderly and disabled, if they were unable to work they would not have to worry about income.
  • United States v. Butler

    United States v. Butler
    This specific case deemed the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933 unconstitutional. The AAA paid farmers not to grow their crops, and to raise less of their livestock. The Supreme Court said that it was unconstitutional for congress to control agriculture, and that the money that congress made from taxes was not legal money. Causing another damper on FDR's New Deal reforms.
  • Election of 1936

    Election of 1936
    Roosevelt was elected to his second term, and by this time he was popular with small farmers and the working class. He ran against Alfred M. Landon of Kansas, a Republican. Roosevelt's platform was that the government has a responsibility to protect the family and the home, establish a democracy of opportunity for all the people, and aid the people who are overtaken by disaster. Roosevelt began his second term stating "I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished."
  • Gibbs vs. The Board of Education

    Gibbs vs. The Board of Education
    Court case that established the authority of paying black school teachers, the same salary as white school teachers.
  • Minimum Wage for Women

    Minimum Wage for Women
    The Supreme Court supported the principle of a minimum wage for women.
  • The Fair Labor Standards Act

    The Fair Labor Standards Act
    Was passed by congress making working hours restricted to 40 hours a week, and if those hours were surpassed the workers were paid over time. It provided minimum wage, which was 40 cents per hour, and restriciting the working minimum age limit to 16. This law affected 12.5 million Americans in the working industry. It was the last and most major reform of FDR's second term.
  • WWII Begins

    WWII Begins
    Germany invades Poland starting the second World War.