Cold War

  • Chinese Revolution

    Chinese Revolution
    In 1911 the chinese communists had gained control of much of northern china. Lead by Mao Zedong, he fought a civil war agianst nationalists. Battles raged until Mao's forces swept to victory and set up the People's Republic of China.
  • NATO

    The United State, Canada, and ten other countries formed a new military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. These countries were now alliances.
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    Nuclear Arms Race and Dentente

    By 1949 the Soviet Union had developed nuclear weapons. by 1953 both sides U.S.A and Soviet Union had both developed hydrogen bombs which are worse than atomic bombs. So both sides were engaged in a race to macth each other's new nuclear weapons. In the 1970's the American and Soviet arms agreements led to an era of Detente or relaxation of the tensions.
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    Korean Conflict

    Korean WarIn early 1950 North Keroan troops attacked in June of that year and soon overan most of the south. The United Nations Security Council condemned the invasion. The United Stated then organized a United Nations force to help South Korea. By November, United Nations forces had advanced the north to the Yalu river, along the border of China. The succes of the U.S-led forces alarmed China so China sent in hundreds of thounsands of troops to help North Korea. Finally in 1953, they signed a armistice
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet Union responded to the NATO by creating there own alliance called the Warsaw Pact. This included Soviet Union and seven satelites in Eastern Europe.
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    Communist Cuba and Missle Crisis

    CubaIn the 1950's Fidel Castro organized an armed rebelion against the corrupt dictator who then ruled cuba. Castro won with his guerrilla army and set about to transforming his country. In 1962 the Soviet Union sent nuclear missles to Cuba. The United States responded by imposing navel blockades that prevented Soviet shipments. President Kennedy deamanded that the missles be removed from Cuba. for a few tense days, the world face nuclear war ove the issue, however the Soviets agreed to remove them.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was built to keep civilians from leaving East Germany to West Germany. Over 50 germans died trying to cross the from East to West Germany.
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    Vietnam Conflict

    On August 1 the South Vietnamese commandos conducted raids on the North Vietnamese islands in the Gulf of Tonkin. Then the North Vietnamese attacked a nearby U.S.Navy destroyer, the Maddox thus getting America involded. When the Americans got involved they had to be weary of Guerrilas in Vietnam or rebels in the south. On January 1973 Nixon negotiated the Paris Peace Accord. This agreement established a cease-fire, or a halt in the fighting. The United States agreed to send troops out of Vietnam
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    Eastern Europe Independence

    Poland,Hungary,Czechoslovakia deamanded an end to Soviet domination. Hungary created reforms and which included a market economy. They also created more freedoms and eventuallly new politcal parties were allowed to form.
  • Soviets in Afghanistan

    Soviets in Afghanistan
    The Soviet Union became involved in a long war in Afghanistan. trying to stop the Soviets were Mujahedin or Muslim religious wariors. In the mid-1980's the American Government began to smuggle modern weaponry to the Mujahedin to help stop the Soviets.
  • Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union Falls
    The Soviet Unions economy just stagnated and never got any better like the western powers. Which never let them keep up with the U.S in the arms race. Then they tried reforms but and that made shortages and prices rise. In the end the Soviet Union just fizzled out.