Cold War

  • NATO

    The United States, Canada, and ten other countries formed an alliance that pledged to help one other if any one them were attacked. This was known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Nuclear Arms Race

    Nuclear Arms Race
    At first the united states were the only ones that had nuclear power. By 1049, The solviet uinon aslo developed nuclear weapons. By 1953, both side had developed the hydrogen bomb which is destructive then an atomic bomb. Both sides wanted to be the one that held more bombs so if the us made 2, the solviet union mad three. This went on and on and critics though that a nuclear war will destroy both sides.
  • Chinese Civil War

    Chinese Civil War
    In 1949, the communists gained control of one fifth of the world's people. Communist forced Mao Zedong to lead a civil war against Nationalists run by Jiang Jieshi.These battles went on until Moa's forces gained victory. After decades China was finally under Communist control. Mao lead was is known as the Great Leap Forward. This was a plan to help inprove things, but it ended up being a failure.
  • Korean Conflict

    Korean Conflict
    Like East and West Germany, Korea was divided into two rival forces after WWII. Both North and south Korea both foun themselves on opposite sides during the cold war. Korea was divided at the 38th parallel line of latitiude and after all the fighting it pretty much ended us where it started. North Korea was ruled by a dictator named Kim II Sung and the south was the noncommunist leader named Syngman Rhee.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Solviet Union responded by forming its own military alliance that included the Solviet Union and seven other satellite s in Eastern Europe. Unlike the NATO, the warsaw PAct was called upon by the Solviets to keep its satellites in order.
  • Soviet Union Falls

    Soviet Union Falls
    Stalin fill forced labor camps with "enemies of the state." Under Nikita Khrushchev Soviets were given freedom of speech and government critics were freed from prison and labor camps. In 1956 Hungarians wanted to break free of Soviet control but Khrushchev sent tanks in to enforce obedience and didn't allow them to do this.
  • Communist Cuba and Missle Crisis

    Communist Cuba and Missle Crisis
    The most serious Cold War confict in the Western Hemisphere invoved cuba. Fidel Castro organized a rebelious attack on the dictator of Cuba. He lead his army into Cuba and transforming it with his victory. 1962- The soviet Union sent a nuclear missle to cuba. Pres. Kennedy responded by imposing a naval blockade. HE demanded that the Soviet Union remove its nuclear missles from Cuba. Eventually thet agreed to remove the missles and war was averted.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    East Germany built a wal that sealed off the West Berlin. When finish it was htis huge concrete wall, topped with barbed wire and patrolling guards. The wall forcibly kept the workers from fleeing.
  • Vietnam Conflict

    Vietnam Conflict
    Aerica seen this as a global war. They developed the domino theory. It was if a communist had a victory in South Vietnam it would cause noncommunist governments across Southeast Asia to fall to communism. At first the United States only sent supplies over for the war, but later on they sent thousands of troops.
  • Detente

    A relaxation of tentions during the 1970's. The american stategy was to restrain the solviet union through diplomati agreements rather then military use. It ended in 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.
  • Soviets In Afghanistan

    Soviets In Afghanistan
    A Soviet-supported Afghan government had tried to modernize the nation. Armed men were known as warlords. When the warlords took up arms against the government the Soviet troops moved in.They battled mujahedins and this was very difficult. In the mid-1980s the American government began to smuggle modern weapons to the mujahedin. The Soviets had many casualties and very little success.