Italian soldiers wwii gm8

WWII Timeline Project from the Italians Perspective

By baumm18
  • War Declared on Italy

    War Declared on Italy
    Canada, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia declare war on Italy within two days of each other.
  • Strengthening ties of Axis Power

    Strengthening ties of Axis Power
    Through the Tripartite Pact Japan, Germany and Italy strengthen their ties to each other by stating an enemy of an ally is an enemy to them all.
  • Invasion of Greece

    Invasion of Greece
    Italy been planning on invading Greece for 13 days, unknown to the Germans, then they marched into Greece with 70,000 men.
  • Greece Surrenders

    Greece Surrenders
    After months of fighting and trying to take land and the Italians retreating from the Greece resistance, Greece finally surrenders to Germany and Italy. The resistance officially ends with Italians conquering Athens.
  • Official War Declaration

    Official War Declaration
    Germany and Italy side with Japan and officially declare war on the United States
  • First Battle of El Alamein

    First Battle of El Alamein
    Erwin Rommel-German General- hopes to put a dent in the Allied forces in El Alamein. This marked the culmination of the WWII North African campaign between the British and the German. Consisted of Africa corps and 3 Italian troop corps. The battle lasted for a month
  • Axis Powers pushed from Africa

    Axis Powers pushed from Africa
    British capture Tel el Aqqaqir, ending the battle in favor of the Allied power. Makes German retreat throughout Africa ending all Axis Power on Africa.
  • Mussolini is overthrown

    Mussolini is overthrown
    Benito Mussolini is voted out of power by his Grand Council. He is also arrested and replaced by General Pietro Badoglio. The rumor was Mussolini was looking for a way out of power since he felt the war was lost so he didn't fight when he lost power, leaving the council with the question of whether to keep fighting or to surrender.
  • Allied Powers take Sicily

    Allied Powers take Sicily
    Long battles have been fought over cities in Sicily, but a day ahead of the Allied Powers the Axis Powers start retreating. They rescue 100,000 soldiers, but the rest are taken prisoner.
  • Italy's surrender announced

    Italy's surrender announced
    The new prime minister Pietro Badoglio signed the surrender ending all hostilities with the United Nations.
  • Italy switched sides

    Italy switched sides
    After the Italy surrender the Allied power's ask Italy to push Germany occupants out. Dislike of the Germans had grown with the waning of the fighting spirit, Italy obliged. Through the Italian peninsula the Allies defeated the Nazi's. With this Italy hoped to get better role in Europe in the peace settlement.
  • Hitler's Ultimatum to Field Marshal Kesselring

    Hitler's Ultimatum to Field Marshal Kesselring
    Hitler gives Field Marshal Kesselring- Commander and chief of Allied operation- to fight till the death and drive the invading Allied forces into the sea.
  • Churchill writes letter to Commander in Chief in Italy

    Churchill writes letter to Commander in Chief in Italy
    In his letter Churchill critiques the progress of the Commander and Chief of the Allied operations. He says he expected "a wild cat roaring" instead he sees "a whale wallowing on the beaches."
  • Italian War

    Italian War
    Winter arrives in Italy and postpones any further offensives of the Allied powers for the next month.
  • Mussolini Executed

    Mussolini Executed
    Mussolini was executed along with his wife by Italian Partisans in the final days of WWII, in the town of Giulino di Mezzegra. They were shot and then their corpses were left hung upside down.