
WWII Timeline of Important Events

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    After being accused of sabotaging the railway, The Chinese army was attacked by Japan in hopes of gaining the railroad back. The Chinese however, did not fight back and give Japan what they wanted, power and relevance in the war outbreaks. Japan used the railway as an excuse to try and gain control of China's people.
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    An agreement involving Britain and Germany, in which Germany was allowed to extend their land ownerships into Czechoslovakia where the German speaking people resided. This agreement sparked a war outbreak in war and gave part ownership of Czechoslovakia to the German Conquest.
  • Germany Invades Polanad

    Germany Invades Polanad
    Germany's goal was to split Poland into two different powers and gain complete control over their country. The army was defeated within weeks of the invasion and Hitler gained more power than he originally had.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    The longest military campaign of the war, starting with the Germans sinking battleships in the South atlantic that belonged to the Allied Powers. Both wanted to gain control over the ocean territory, but the use of U-boats from the Germans gained them an advantage. Britain won the battle to keep them in great supply, and preventing the Germans from taking over all of Europe.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Germany wanted to conquer Great Britain, and the first step was to destroy their royal air force. The Germans bombed Britain to destroy their dominance (air force) over Germany before their plan of invasion. Britain fought them off using a radar system, ending the war, but fueling the fire of the competition against German to be the greatest power.
  • Germany Invades Russia

    Germany Invades Russia
    Hitler planned an invasion on the Soviet Union, what became known as the most brutal war in history. They launched an attack and successfully defeated the Soviet troops. Hitler was astonished that he took over Stalin's great territory, even though many lives were lost in the process.
  • Bombing on Pearl Harbor

    Bombing on Pearl Harbor
    japan planned a secret attack to bomb the US army ships and air force. After two waves of attack, many US ships were completely demolished. This event is what forced the US to join WWII. A day after the Attack, the US declared war on Japan in hopes of getting back at them, but Japan's allies fought back. We think this is most significant because this is what brought the US to war, and created new alliances and strategies of defeating Japan.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    This was one of the most deadly wars and was also a turning point in WWII.The German army attacked the city of Stalingrad, but the Soviet Union was not giving up. The Soviet army trapped the German army force in the city, causing many to starve or freeze to death. This tactic took a great toll on Germany, which eventually caused their surrender from the war.
  • North Africa Campaign

    North Africa Campaign
    This war was fought between the axis and allied powers to gain property control of the Suez Canal and access to middle eastern oil resources. The allied powers won using warfare techniques and conquered Lybia.
  • Normandy Campaign

    Normandy Campaign
    The Germans were expecting an attack, but the weather made them hesitant. they used two waves of attack from the air and water to be most successful of conquering the Germans. They dropped bombs wiping out much of the land. However, The allied powers brought in many troops and pushed German troops out of France.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Germans launched an attack on the US lines during the winter so it was unexpected to America. They disguised themselves as American soldiers to strategize a plan to kill as many troops as possible. The americans fought back and defeated Hitler and the troops, sending Germans home defeated.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The allied powers attacked Japan in hopes of gaining control and causing them to surrender. It exemplified how dangerous Japan is because of the massive number of casualties. Japan built a reputation and was known as a very strong army force.
  • Death of Hitler

    Death of Hitler
    Hitler and his troops invaded and gained control over much of Europe. However, the allied powers fought back and captured the German troops, causing them to surrender the war. Soon after the attack Hitler committed suicide.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    The German army and the Soviet army were at war to become the most powerful country. The Soviet Army proposed a plan to attack and trap the Germans in the city. This event caused many german soldiers to starve or freeze, in which many decided to surrender. Germany was so low on soldiers that Paulus chose to surrender to avoid anymore damage for their country. This gave the Soviet Union power of Europe.
  • Bombing on Japan

    Bombing on Japan
    After contemplating an invasion on Japan, the US dropped a bomb in hopes that they would then surrender. thousands of people died and cities were destroyed, but the US got what they hoped for. Six days later Japan surrendered the war after a long fight.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    After the bomb was dropped by the US, Japan decided to surrender to prevent any more invasions or attacks. This was the whole goal of the US, to be the last country standing in WWII.