WWII Timeline

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    It was the most important peace treaty that brought WWI to an end. The treaty ended the war between Germany and the Allies. It was signed on June 28th 1919.
    The consequences for the treaty was that Germany had to take full responsibility for WWI and The League of Nations was created. Germany also had to repay war costs to France
  • Hitler Signs the Soviet Non-Aggression Pact with Joseph Stalin

    Hitler Signs the Soviet Non-Aggression Pact with Joseph Stalin
    Image Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/nazi-soviet-non-aggression-pact-1779994 Hitler wanted to make sure that Russians would not help defend Poland if he chose to invade it. He decided in the summer 1939 that he would invade. To help him do this he signed the soviet non-aggression pact that included a secret clause that let Hitler invade eastern Europe if he wanted.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Image Source: http://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/victorias2015/2016/11/08/ Germany invades Poland on Sept 1st 1939,
    France and Britain declare War on Germany on Sept 3rd 1939.
  • Battle of Brtian

    Battle of Brtian
    Image Source: http://warbirdsnews.com/warbirds-news/wwii-events/battle-britain-anniversary.html This was a battle in the skies of the United Kingdom between German and British air forces. The fight went on from summer to fall in 1940.
    Britain had been able turn the tables on Germany due to this fight.
  • The London Blitz

    The London Blitz
    Image source: https://www.asisbiz.com/Battles/Battle-of-Britain/pages/17-Air-raid-damage-during-the-Blitz-London-Sep-10-1940-01.html the London blitz began on Sept 1940. Germany Started a huge bombardment from the skies of London. The aircrafts responsible were part of the Luftwaffe.Many parts of London were decimated. The bombings did not end after a single day, they continued for months. The worst of the bombing was between Sept 1940 and May 1941, over 2 million homes were destroyed.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Image Source: https://tinyurl.com/yd5o66zv
    Nazis treated the Serbs and Jews as "Subhumans." The Jews were forced to live in Ghettos and were marked by wearing white armbands containing a Star of David.
    The Final Solution was decided by the Nazis to solve the "Jewish Problem". It started with transporting the Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto to the concentration camps were they would be worked to death.
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbour

    The Attack on Pearl Harbour
    Image Source:
    https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/12/09/national/history/historian-seeks-to-clear-embassy-of-pearl-harbor-sneak-attack-infamy/#.Wi8BO9-nEuU Hawaii's U.S. naval base was attacked by the Japanese aircrafts, This convinced the USA to join WWII. One day after the attack, Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke to the nation, He called it "a day that will live in infamy". On this day congress declared war on japan; Germany and allies declared war on the USA.
  • The Battle of Hong Kong

    The Battle of Hong Kong
    Image Source: https://www.hkvca.ca/historical/banham.htm During the battle of Hong Kong 557 Canadian soldiers were taken as prisoners by the Japanese or had died in prison camps. The Canadian soldiers arrived in Hong Kong on November 16th,
    The Japanese had invaded Hong Kong on December 18th.
    On Christmas Day the governor surrendered to the Japanese.
  • The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway
    Image Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Archives/75th-anniversary-battle-midway-wwii/story?id=47767802 The Battle of midway was one of the most important naval battles of WWII because the US used this battle to create long lasting damage to the Japanese navy.
    The Japanese defeat during this battle became a huge turning point for the pacific theater because it allowed the US to take a more offensive stance against the Axis Powers
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    image source: http://abcnews.go.com/Archives/75th-anniversary-battle-midway-wwii/story?id=47767802
    Many historians regard the battle of Stalingrad to be one of the greatest battles of WWII because it was a huge turning point in the war: It marked the point where Germany could no longer advance into the soviet union, it also began to sway the odds of the war to the allies favor.
  • D-Day

    Image Source: http://www.chicagonow.com/politics-now/2016/06/the-beginning-of-the-end/
    The Allies launched their final attack on Europe. This has become known as "D-Day". Over 150,000 British,Canadian, and American soldiers traveled to the shores of Normandy, France in a last attempt to take back Europe from Germany's Control. Soviet troops managed to liberate Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania while Hitler pulled his forces back into Germany to defend against America and Britain.
  • Hitlers Suicide and Surrender of Germany

    Hitlers Suicide and Surrender of Germany
    Image Source: https://twitter.com/onthisdaynyt/status/596675979835236354 Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin (April 30th). Germany officially surrendered on (May 8th)
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Atomic Bomb

     Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Atomic Bomb
    Image Source: http://historyconflicts.com/atomic-bombing-hiroshima-nagasaki/
    In August 1945, President Truman gave the OK to use the atomic bomb on the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. soon after the bombs dropped, Japan formally surrendered on September 2nd, 1945