WWII Timeline

By 20k.s.
  • Cause of Kristallent

    A Jewish boy in Paris shot a German diplomat to avenge his father's deportation
  • Kristallnacht

  • Surprise attack on Poland

    When Hitler started his surprise attack to invade and capture Poland with his new military strategy, blitzkrieg
  • Declared War

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
  • Invasion into Norway and Denmark

    The calmness of the "Phony war" was interrupted when the Germans launched a surprise attack onto Norway and Denmark, within 4 hours Denmark fell and in two months Norway surrendered
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    The Rescue of Dunkirk

    France was being attacked by Germany and the french army was trapped in the beaches of Dunkirk and Great Britain sent a fleet of 850 ships to rescue the army, carried about 338,000 soldiers to safety across the English channel
  • Germany takes control of Paris

  • Surrender

    The French surrendered to Germany
  • Battle of Britain ends

    because of British resistance, the Germans call off attacks
  • Invasion into the Soviet Union

    The Soviet Union was not prepared for an attack and as they retreated they used the scorched-earth strategy and burned everything down that was in the enemy's path.
  • German U-boat fired on a U.S. destroyer

    A German U-boat fired on a U.S. destroyer, in retaliation Roosevelt ordered navy commanders to shoot German submarines on sight
  • Leningrad under siege

    Leningrad was put under siege by the Germans and was cut off from the rest of the Soviet Union and to force surrender the town was being starved, yet after the winter of 1941-1942 the city refused to fall.
  • Drive to the capital

    With the slow process of Leningrad, Hitler decided to target the capital of the Soviet Union, Moscow, and a Nazi drive on the capital began and by December the Germans had advanced to the outskirts of Moscow
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan had bombed Pearl harbor, making America declare war on Japan and their allies
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    Battle of Midway

    The U.S. forces hid behind the horizon allowing the Japanese to begin their assault on the island, Midway. The tactic worked and the U.S. destroyed 332 Japanese planes, all four aircraft carriers, and one support ship
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    Battle of Guadalcanal

    The U.S., with help from the Australians, set out to prevent the Japanese from completing a large airship base on the island of Guadalcanal, after losing more than 24,000 of their 36,000 soldiers the Japanese abandoned Guadalcanal or what they came to call it "the Island of Death".
  • D-Day

    The invasion of Normandy was the largest land and sea attack in history. The day the invasion began is called D-Day.
  • V Day

    General Eisenhower accepted unconditional surrender to the Allied powers and WWII ended
  • Japan's surrender

    When Japan formally signed its surrender