Imgres 11

The War to End All Wars: Timeline

By 7673
  • Nazis invade Poland

    Nazis invade Poland
    German troops invade Poland along its borders with German-controlled territory. The Germans bombed Polish airfields, and Geman warships and U-boats attacked Polish naval forces in the Baltic Sea. Htler,the German leader, stated that the massive invasion was just an act of self-defense. However, France and Britain didn't believe that. To Hitler, the conquest of Poland would bring living space, for the Germans. According to his plan, the "racially superior" Germans would colonize the territory.
  • Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany

    Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany
    When Hitler invaded Poland he stated it was just an act of self-defense. However, Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand didn't believe them. Therefore, they decided to declare war on Germany beginning WWII.
  • France signs an armistice with Nazi Germany

    France signs an armistice with Nazi Germany
    After Germans invaded France, France acceoted the fact that Germans had full control and there was nothing they could do, so they decided to surrender.
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    German troops enter Romania.

    Hitler occupies Romania as part of his strategy of creating an unbroken Eastern front to menace the Soviet Union.
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    Germans postpone operation Sea Lion until Spring of 1941

    Operation Sea Lion was Germany's plan to invade Britain after the fall of France. However, in order for the success of this operation Hitler knew both air and naval superiority over the English channel were required, which hadn't been accomplished. Therefore, it was postponed but never actually happened.
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    British forces arrive in Greece

    Mussolini had gained control over Greece, but Greece pushed the Italians out. Hitler hated this because by doing this Mussolini allowed British troops to get access to Greece. British took the opening they saw in Greece and conquered it.
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    A coup d'etat in Yugoslavia overthrows the pro-Axis government.

    The coup was planned and carried out by some pro-Western Serv-nationalists Royal Yugoslav Air Force officers. The coup was successful and oiverthrew the three-member regency: Prince Paul, Dr. Radenko Stankovic and Dr. Ivo Perovic, as well the as the government of the prime minister.
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    President Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act.

    This was a program where the United States supplied Great Britan, Free France, the Republic of China and later USSR and other allied nations with material.
  • Germany attacks Soviet Union as Operation Barbarossa begins.

    Germany attacks Soviet Union as Operation Barbarossa begins.
    The attack surprised the Soviets and German tanks smashed through the Russian battle lines. As the Germans went forward, the Soviet population destroed factories, dams, railroads, food supplies and other things that might help the Germans. The Germans were heading for victory and fast, but they started making mistakes. The Russians took the chance and started a counterattack and Hitler's army was forced to retreat.
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    Stalin calls for a scorched earth policy

    A scorched eart policy is a military strategy where you burn or destroy in any way everyhting of the enemy's while you keep moving forward or advancing. You literally destroy everything that could be of use to the enemy including food, transportation and technology or you take it if it might be of use for you.
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    Germans cross the River Dnieper in the Ukraine.

    It was one of the largest operartions in WWII. During this battle, the eastern bank of the Dnieper was recovered from German froces by five of the Red Army's Fronts, which conducted several assault river crossing to establish several bridgeheads on the western bank.
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    British occupy Syria

    Britain invaded French occupied Syria which was greatly overshadowed by other events in WWII.
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    Roosevelt freezes Japanese assets in the United States and suspends relations.

    President Franklin Roosevelt seizes all Japanese assets in the United States in retaliation for the Japanese occupation of French Indo-China. When Japan occupied Cam Raham naval base where where Americans had troops, and the British base at Singapore, Roosevelt decided to take action and cut Japan of. By doing this, apan lost access to three-fourths of its overseas trade and 88 percent of its imported oil.
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    Goring instructs Heydrich to prepare for the Final Solution.

    On this day orders where taken place that stated, "o submit to me as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative material and financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired final solution of the Jewish question."
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    Mutual Assistance agreement between British and Soviets.

    In this agreement the governements of the two countries declared the following:
    (1) the two Governments mutually undertake to render each otehr assistance and support of all kinds in the present war against Nazi Germany.
    (2) They further undertake that during this war they will neither negotiate nor conclude an armistice or treaty of peace except by mutual agreement.
  • Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor

    Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor
    It was a surprise military strike forced by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The attack led to the United States' entry into WWII instead of them just supplying.
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    Final Solution Begins

    It was Nazi Germany's plan during WWII to systematically rid the world of its Jewish population through genocide.
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    Japanese-Americans sent to relocation centers.

    Japanese-Americans were moved to relocation centers where they would have to live permanently.
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    German air raids begin against cathedral cities in Britain.

    The Baedeker Raids or Baedeker Bombings were attacks on historic, old, British cathedral cities that were bombed by the Germans.
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    Battle of Midway

    Prior to this action, Japan possessed general naval superiority over the United States and could usually choose where and when to attack. After Midway, the two opposing fleets were essentially equals, and the United States soon took the offensive. They were trully equal in this battle since neither ships had the chance to get in touch with each other at all.
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    The Allies landed on Guadalcanal with the objective of denying their use by the Japanese to threaten the supply and communication routes between the US, Australia, and New Zealand. The allies hid there without being able to be seen until the Japanese came unarmed and carried out a surprise attack on them The Allies were ultimately victorious.
  • Invasion of Normandy

    Invasion of Normandy
    was the invasion by and establishment of Western Allied forces in Normandy during Operation Overlord. the Germans obtained documents containing references to Overlord, but these documents lacked all detail. But even after that, the Allies came out as successful victors.
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge
    It was a major German offensive campaign launched through the densely forested Ardennes region of France in the western coast. Near-complete surprise attack was achieved mainly due to overconfidence of the Allies. The battle kept chaniging. The Germans were the first to attack but the Allies did a counterattack. However, the Germans got back in track and made a counterattack. After so much uncertainty the Allies came out as victors.
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    Yalta Conference

    Was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, United Kingdom and Soviet Union , represented by President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Stalin , respectively, for the purpose of discussing Europe's post-war reorganization.
  • U.S. troops encircle Germans in the Ruhr; Allied offensive in northern Italy.

    U.S. troops encircle Germans in the Ruhr; Allied offensive in northern Italy.
    While the Germans where in the Ruhr U.S. troops come along encirclying the Germans leaving them no other choice rather than to surreder since the troops wanted this war over and were not going to let the Germans escape.
  • Unconditional surrender of all German forces to Allies.

    Unconditional surrender of all German forces to Allies.
    The Allie forces were taking large numbers of prisoners from the Axis powers. Also, they were getting massive victories and Hitler just kept making very costly mistakes. Therefore, Hitler was forced to surrender no matter what. The surrender hurt Hitler so bad he committed suicide the very next day.
  • First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan

    First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan
    The United States launched the very first atomic bomb ever made. It was not only to defeat the Japanese, who were never going to surrender, but also to scare the rest of the countries and show it as a sign of power. Still today, there is a lot of contradiction whether President Roosevelt should have lauched the bomb or not since it killed a lot of inocent people who had not signed up for this war.
  • Second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.

    Second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.
    This was the bomb to end all wars. After the President Roosevelt dropped the first bomb and thought Japan still didn't want to surrender, he thought to protect his people and end this war already by dropping a second bomb on Nagasaki. This had a huge effect on Japan and the rest of the world since this new technology meant new power for the United States.
  • Victory over Japan Day; Japanese sign surrender agreement

    Victory over Japan Day; Japanese sign surrender agreement
    Emperor Hiroshito's announcement of Japan's acceptance of the terms of the surrender agreement were official. Nobody thought they would ever surrender but after that many casualties after the two bombs on innocent people the emperor had no other choice rather than to surrender.
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    Italy invade Greece