WWII Battles in Africa and Italy

  • Sneak attack on Hawaii naval Base

    Sneak attack on Hawaii naval Base
    Japan bombs Pearl harbor
  • Pushing British troops out of Africa

    Pushing British troops out of Africa
    German troops fought the brittish untill they had moved out Egypt as far as possible. They brittish would go no furhter once they reached El Alamein.
  • Russian City Is attacked

    Russian City Is attacked
    Germans attack the city Stalingard in Russia, but surrender that winter
  • American Troops Lend A Hand

    American Troops Lend A Hand
    American troops led by Dwight Eisenhower come to Norhthern Africa. Start to move to Tunisha, where Rommel, the German leader, was.
  • Americans lose momentum

    Americans lose momentum
    Germans beat americans in war, but it is not long before America is back on their feet.
  • Axis powers are defeated

    Axis powers are defeated
    In may the Axis powers in Africa surrender.
  • Itlay is attacked

    Itlay is attacked
    Island of Sicily in Italy is attacked by Allies
  • Italy Surenders

    Italy Surenders
    Italian Government surrenders to the allies
  • France is Invaded

    France is Invaded
    In June the Allies invade France. Known as d-day , the largest seaborn invasion in history. Allies capture beaches and begin to move inward.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Germans attck the Allies, german deaths out weigh american.