Ww2 Timeline

  • First FM transmission

    First FM transmission
    The first transmission of FM is heard by the FCC
  • Italy joins the Axis powers

    Italy joins the Axis powers
    Italy allies with Hitler under Benito Mussolini
  • Auschwitz

    Heinrich Himmler establishes the concentration camp Auschwitz.
  • Peacetime Military Draft

    The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 mandated that males 21 and up must sign up for selective service. It was the US’s first peacetime draft
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    A Japanese surprise military strike against a US naval base in Hawaii in the early morning in an attempt to weaken the US Navy
  • Japanese Internment

    Japanese Internment
    A Government mandated relocation and imprisonment of any person of Japanese ancestry, regardless of citizenship, just after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. While officially done as a security measure, it is speculated to have been done out of racism.
  • Kamikazes

    Japanese for "Divine Wind," the first kamikaze attack happened during the battle of the Leyte Gulf. Essentially, kamikazes are suicide bombers.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    A battle on the Island of Iwo Jima, when the US Marine Corps landed and took the island from Japan to create an area to attack the Japanese mainland from.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
  • Beginning of the Arms Race

    Beginning of the Arms Race
  • Hiroshima bombing

    Hiroshima bombing
  • Nagasaki bombing

    Nagasaki bombing
  • Imperial Japan's surrender

    Imperial Japan's surrender
    Note: officially signed on Sep 2nd