WW2 Timeline

  • German Blitzkrieg

    German airships begin a Blitzkrieg (Lightning Warfare) on Britain's cities. The goal of this was to weaken the morale of Britain's people, but that plan failed. Britain's population began taking photos of them living normal lives with destruction from bombs surrounding them. They posted the images in their newspapers so the Germans could see.
  • Fall of Paris

    During the Fall of Paris, the Nazi troops had finally secured the capital of France, practically taking over the whole country.
  • Pearl Harbor

    As revenge for the US blocking the ocean from Japan due to the invasion of Manchuria, the Japanese attacked our naval base, Pearl Harbor. They recreated the base in Japan in order to practice and have increased accuracy. After the attack, America will declare war on Japan less than a day later.
  • Wannsee Conference

    The Wannsee Conference was a meeting of Nazi officials to ensure cooperation of the "Final Solution." It was held in Berlin, Germany.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad was potentially one of the main reasons that the Nazis lost the war. Hitler decided to attack the capital of the Soviet Union, named after Joseph Stalin. But Hitler sent this troops in during the middle of winter. Many of the soldiers died from hunger and cold. This allowed for the Russians to easily wipe them out and push the Nazi army out of Russia.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    In a Ghetto created for Jews, they fought their captors and took over the whole Ghetto. This was seen as a proud moment for the Jews. The Ghetto was sadly taken over shortly after by the Nazis again.
  • Allied Invasion of Italy

    Allied forces eventually closed in on Italy as Mussolini had just been killed by his people. This allowed for Italy to be liberated from the Axis powers and allow the Allies to advance farther into Europe.
  • D-Day

    D-Day is also know as Liberation Day. It is the time in which Allied troops landed in France in order to clear out the Nazis occupying it. Many soldiers were killed on both sides, but it resulted in an Allied victory. This is the decisive battle that will end the war on the Western Front.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge is the last substantial battle fought by Germany. In this battle they were able to fight through Allied troops and create a "bulge" of land taken back. This move stopped working eventually and the Germans were defeated.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    The Battle of Iwo Jima was a decisive battle for America. It was the final island between the Allied troops and the main island of Japan. The battle was hard fought, but the allies won. This would allow for mass fire bombing on Japan's cities.
  • VE Day

    VE Day is the official day that Germany fully, and unconditionally surrenders to the Allied Forces. This will allow for the Allies to fully focus on Japan and their army.
  • Dropping of the atomic bombs

    America was the first country to achieve the creation of nuclear weapons. One bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, in hopes of ending the war without more Allied troops dying. Japan did not give up, so America dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki, which resulted in Japan surrendering.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day is the day in which Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces unconditionally. This will end the war after many years of endless bloodshed.
  • Liberation of Concentration Camps

    After the defeat of Germany, Allied troops discovered what the Germans had been doing to the Jews. The Allies were unaware of concentration camps during the war, and only found out after.