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WW2 - Hannah Gobert

  • The Great Deression USA

    The Great Deression USA
    The United States went into a Great Depression when the Stock Market crashed. When it crashed, people tried to go to the bank to get their money, and the banks did not have their money, this was because they put it into the Stock Market. Therefore, people did not have money. Everyone went into a depression. When people lost money, people lost jobs because they could not pay for their workers.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler became chancellor, because people started to hear about him, he became much more popular everyday. When Hitler became chancellor, he convinced the people that the Communists burning down the Reichstag (white house in Germnay). They soon made concentration camps for the Communists and many more other goups. Hitler soon killed president Hindenburg. Then, Hitler soon came to the presidential power but called himself "Derfuhrer".
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    The night that violence broke out against the Jews. It was not planned.It happened because Germans were very mad about the assassination of a German official. Jewish teens and children were not allowed to go to public schools, playgrounds, and pools. It was very hard for them.
  • Nazi Soviet PACT

    Nazi Soviet PACT
    This was an agreement on nonagression.It was between the USSR and the Germans. But soon, Hitler broke the pact and invaded the USSR in Opperation Barbossa.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    When Germnay invaded Poland he used his blitzkrieg stratagy. Germnay said it was a defensive attack, but nobody believed it. They soon confessed it was to provide Germnay with "living space".
  • Blitzkreig

    German term for lighting war. It was a stratagy used by the German forces. It was to create diorganization for the enemy.
  • Lend Lease act

     Lend Lease act
    Roosevelt signed the sale, lease, transfer, or exchange of arms and supplies to any country whose defense the president deems vital to the defense of the United States
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    A day that will live in infamy. This was the day Japan bombed Pearl Harbor to keep the USA out of the way. It was a supprise military attack at 7:55am. The Japanese wanted to control the Pacific.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was also known as the Battle of Normandy. The purpose of D-Day was the liberate conquered counties. The code name for the battle was "Project Overlord". This battle happnened in Normandy, France.
  • Yalta Conferece

    Yalta Conferece
    Was a meeting with the British Prime Minister Churchill, Soviert Prime Minister Stallin, and USA Roosevelt, This is where they demended Germnanys unconditional surrender and they bagan plans for post war.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Victory in Eurpope day. VE Day, or even V day. It was a public holiday.To celebrate Allied victories in World War 2.They were celebrating beating Facist Italy, and Nazi France.
  • Bombs dropped on Hiroshima

    Bombs dropped on Hiroshima
    This happened durring WW2. The USA dropped the first Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.The code name for the bomb was Little Boy. The USA dropped te bomb because Japan would not surrender. After the bombings they finally did. The USA bombed two spots in Japan, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.
  • Bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    Bomb dropped on Nagasaki
    On this day, August 9th 1945, and atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan by the United States. This resuled in Japans surrender. The bombs nickname was "Fat Man"
  • Establishing the United Nations

    Establishing the United Nations
    This was signged by 26 Nations in Januay 1942. It was a formal act of opposition, against the Axis powers. The United Nations was, the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union.