Wright brothers

Wright Brothers

  • Wilbur Wrigths birth

    Wilbur wright was born on April 16 1867
  • Orville Wrights birth

    Orville wrights birth was on august 19th 1871
  • The spark

    One day when the wrights brothers were younger his dad brought home a rubber band powered helicopter
  • First company

    Thw wright brothers formed a Wright Cycle Company To sell bicycles and it was a really successful business That also allowed them to focuse on other projects
  • The wright borothers where focused on one small projects

    The wright brothers were focused on two things also in that time a experienced flyer named otter died in a flying accident and also the succesful unmaned launch of samuel
  • Inspiration

    The wright brothers started serious work when wilbur wrote the smithsonian for literature
  • A letter

    in a letter addressed to octave chanute and wilbur wrote
    for some years i have been afflicted with the belief that flight is possible with man my disease had increased and i am afraid that that will cost a lot of money and that i will lose my income if not my life i have been trying to arrange my affairs in such a way that i can devote my entire life to experiment on this field
  • Trying to overcome a problem

    they increased the camber of the 1901 glider then also lengthened the wingspan to 22 feet making it the largest attempt for anyone to fly
  • Machine embodies

    They gave it a efficent 32 wingspan some 400 design made it workable
  • 12 Seconds that changed the world

    it was in december and they were the first ones to fly a man powered flight it only lasted 12 seconds but it was those 12 seconds that changed everything. This was one of the most successful thing that happened in North Carolina in my view
  • Wilbur wright dies

    Wilbur wright felt ill on a trip to boston in 1912he was dyagnosed with typhoid fever he died on may 30th 1912
  • Orville wright dies

    The wright brothers planned the design of the house together and wiblur wright died before the completion orville wright died on january 30th 1948 in Daytona ohio