World War Two

  • The Good Neighboor

    Roosevelt and Hull slowly began to reopen markets in Latin American. FDR expanded Hoover's "good Neighboor policy encouraging trade and renouncing the use of force. a new export- import bank financed transactions, and tariffs were lowerd. hull surprised the 1933 Pan American Conference by approving a declarations that no nation had the right to interview in the affairs of another. Good Nieghboor policies underminded German and Japanese economic ventures, and latin american governements invited
  • The good neighboor part 2

    (of the people page 703) Fbi to track down Azis agents on their soil. in 1938 After absorbing austria, hitler demanded part of Czecholovakia's territory Fearing that a small war over the territory would escalate into a large war, Czechoslovakia's allies, Britain and france, agreed to negotioantions. (of the people page 703)
  • america first?

    As the axis threat grew, Roosevelt pushed for a buildup of U.S. forces, but congress and the public disagreed. dissillusioned by the last war, the public wanted to stay out of the conflicts in Europ and Asia. Polls indicated that more than 70 percent believed the United states had been tricked in World War 1. Half a million students pledged their refusal to serve in another war.(of the people page 703-704)
  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    A new democratic German republic, known as the Weimar Republic, came into being. After some success it was hit by hyperinflation and other serious economic problems.Right wing nationalist elements under a variety of movements, but most notably the Nazi Party of Adolf Hitler, sought to blame Germany's "humiliating" status on the harshness of the post-war settlement, on the weakness of democratic government, and on the Jews, whom it claimed possessed a financial stranglehold on Germany.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany Part 2
    Jews were the main target of Nazi terror. In 1935, the Nurember laws stripped Jews of citizenship and outlawed intermarriage with members of the "aryan races.' On the nigh of November 9, 1938, Nazi storm troopers and ordinary citizens rampaged throught Germany, burnign synagoes and destroying Jewish shops, homes and hospitals, killing 100 Jews and aresting 30,000 more. (of the people page 703)
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • A mixed economy

    The roosevof eaelt administration added new war agencies to control prices, assign labor, and gear up industry. it dusdted off methods from WW1 dollar a year men and "cost plus contracts and added new incentives such as tax breaks federal lons and subsidies. you have to let business make money out of the process. secretary Henry Stimson said "or business won't work. (of the people page 714)
  • a mixed economy part 2

    out put soared. a ford plant at willow run, michigan turned out a fleet of B-24s larger than the whole Luftwaffe. Cargo ships which took more than a year to build in 1941 were coming out of the kaiser shipwards in n average of 56 days. entirely new industries such as synthetic rubber and Lucite appeared overnight. industrail techniques applied to agriculture. lots of businesses boomed during the war (of the people page 714
  • America's First part 2

    From 1935 to 1937, congress passed annual Neutrality acts prohibity loans and credits to nations engaged in war. the action tooke place agaisn the bakdrop of the Spanish Vibil War in the Fascist forces, aided by Germany and Italy, fought against the spanish civil war in which Fscist forces, aided by germany. some 3,000 Americans volunteered to fight with the loyalisits. For the reason, congress decided to stay out of the conflict. ( of the people page 704)
  • means short war

    Bristish prime minister Winston churchill could now broach the delicate but urgent issue of war finances. Britain hadbeen buying arms on a "cash and carry" basis but was now out of funds. The Newtrality Act prohibited new loans, but without arms Britain would have to surrender. FDR gave his cabinet a weekend to devise a plan, and the following monday e produced and answer to himself.( of the people 705)
  • Means short war part 2

    Roosevelt compared the idea to lending a garden hose to a neighbor whoese house was on fire. "there would be gentlemens obligations to repay" but because there would be no loans, it would not violate the newutrality act. lend- lease as the program was called, put the U.S. "arsenal of democracy" on Britains side and granted FDR unprecedented powers to ar alies. (of the people page 705)
  • Japan Moves Southeast asia

    Japan moved into southeast asia. In 1939, the japanese had adopted a "go south" strategy to capture oil fields in the dutch east indies and encircle china. because the Phillippines, a U.S. territory, blocked the invasion rout, the question for the Japanese was not wheather to declare war on the United States, but when. in July 1941 japn establicekd bases in French Indochina. Roosevelt saw this as a threat, but , preococupied with Europe he wanted to forestall war in the pacific u.s. (OTP Pg706)
  • Japan moves southeast asia part 2

    When japanese troop conboys moed into the south china sea, hull ended negotiations and cut off U.S. oil exports, Japan's only source of fuel. On november 27, Marshall warned commanders in Hawaii and the Philippines to expect "an aggressive move by Japan" in the next few days. THe Phillipines, Thailand and Malaya were the targets. (of the people page 706)
  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbor

    On Sunday afternoon, december 7th, Americans listening to the radio hear that aircraft "believed to be from Japan" had attacked U.s. bases at Pear Harbor Hawaii. At 7:40 am hawai time, 181 planes had bombed and strafed airfields on Oahu, destroying or damaging more than 200 planes on the ground. Bombers that attacekd the 96 ships of the U.S. pacific fleet anchored next to each other. Three torpedoes struck the battle ship Oklahoma, capsizing it with400 crew members aboard. (OTP Pg706-707)
  • Japan attacks pearl harbor part 2

    Alongside her the Maryland went down. a bomb exploded int he Arizonas forward magazine, breaking the ship in half and killing over a thousand men. in the philippines, japanese bombers also caught American planes on the ground. the follwoing day, Preseident Roosevelt appeard befor Congress with a declaration of war againsts japan. On december 11, Germany honored its alliance with Japan and declard war on the U.S. (of the people page 707)
  • battle of midway part 2

    when japanese aircraft met stiff resitance from Midways's guns on the morning of June 4th they returned to their carriers and prepared for an unplanned second attack. with bombers, bombs and fuel littering their decks, Japan's four carriers and prepared for an unplanned second attack. with defending seros busy intercepting us torpedo bombers. at that moment dive bombers from yorktown and enterprise burst out of the clouds. they destroyed 3 carriers ( of the people page 709)
  • The second front

    to reassure britain and the sovie union FDR and the soviet union, FDR adopted a "strategy, holding the line against Japan while directing the main effort at Nazi Germany. The allies had little in common except that Hitler had chosen them as enemies Britain was struggling to presever its empire. the osovie union had once been allied with Germany ad had a nonaggressive pact with japan. (of the people page 712)
  • the second front part 2

    Roosevelt needed to keep this shaky coalition together long enough to defeat hitler. his greatest fear was that one or both of the allies would make a separate peace or be knocked out of the war, stalin and churchill each had their own opinions about how to use American power and their conflicting aims produced bitter disputes over strategy. (of the people page 712)
  • Battle of midway

    "We can run wild for six months or a years" Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto Prophised that before the vitorious attack on Pear Harbors, "but after that I have utterly no condidence. Panic-strickedn Americans imagined enemy landingsin california, but japan was never so ambitious. it called for fortifying a defensive screen of islands in the western Pacifics and holding the allies at at bay until hey sued for peace. ( of the people page 707-708)
  • Gone with the draft

    The german army that overran france in may 1940 consisted of 136 mechanized dibsions of 17,000 men each. the us had only five divisons and was still using horse cavalry. "against Europs's total war time observed the u.s army looked like a few nice boys with a bb gun. Military officials drew up plans for a 10 million mn forces. (of the people page 709)
  • new jobs in new places.

    As it had during world war 1, the need workers pushed up wages, added new employees to the workforces, and set people on the move. It also swelled the ranks of orgainized labor from 10 million to almost 5 million between 1941 and 1945. Enlisted as a partner in the war effort, unions grew because of a federally mandated "maintenance of membership" policy, by which new employees automatically joined the union. Through the national defense mediation board (NDMB) the administration (OTP716)
  • Hitler invades Soviet Union

    IN june 1941, Hitler stunned the world again witha lightning invasion of the sovie union. theree million men and 3,000 tanks slashed through soviet defenses toward moscow and Leningrad. SSecretary of war henry stimson predicted that in three months the azis would control Europe Asia, but George C. Marshall, the army's chief of staff, saw that this might be a turning point. if the soviet army could hold the area between moscow and the black sea the germans would have a long winter. (OTP 705)
  • Hitler invades soviet Union

    Roosevelt shared his optimism. the easter front took pressure off Britain and gave the Allies a real chance to defeat Hitler. Roosevelt extened Lend-lease aid to moscow. the german columns advanced steadily, but they were no longer moving through Poland or France. Even when encricled the russians stood their ground and fought. (of the people page 705)
  • The winning weapons

    During world war 2 ewapons tchnology advanced with blinding speed. Entering the war lte, the united states gained a techonogical edge. Americans factories produced models using th lates innovations, but many of the would not see combat until 1943 or later. Until then, troops had to make do with inferior weapons. mariiesn landed on Guadalcanal wearing world war 1 eara helmats and carrying the 1903 springfield rifle, japan zero was faster and lighter than any american fighter. (of the people pg711