Alejandro Gaona's World War II Timeline

  • Japanese invasion of China

    On July 7, 1937, Japanese troops that had been occupying China began fighting with Chinese troops, and this grew into a full-fledged battle, with Beijing being captured by Japan. China retaliated by attacking Japanese troops in Shanghai, and so on.This occurred due to tensions in the area from continued occupation of China by Japan. Remaining rivalry from the first Sino-Japanese War also helped cause the inital skirmish. As a result of the battle, Japan gained territory in China.
  • Rape of Nanking

    This was a widespread plunder and massacre of Nanking, and rape of women there. This occurred after the Japanese invasion of China, due to Prince Asaka's approval of killing all people in the surrounded city. Also, the city's unwillingness to surrender had a role. This resulted in the extreme violence associated with the Rape of Nanking. Later, Asaka was granted immunity, and minimal conviction for those atrocities occurred.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    A blitzkrieg was a method of attack used by the German military to battle enemies involving tanks, infantry, and aircraft. This method developed due to a need to quickly end any battles. This was due to it being at war with France, Britain, and Poland from its rapid expansion in Europe. As a result of these tactics, Germany was able to expand and take over most of Europe, excepting Switzerland and Great Britain. Due to this incomplete victory, air raids occured frequently to harm Britain.
  • Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

    This was a pact between the USSR and Germany promising no attacks on each other in WWII, and no aid to each other's enemies. It occurred due to a need by Germany to conquer the world by any means. The USSR agreed due to both countries being hurt by WWI. Also, Germany, even though it considered Russians inferior, thought it could betray them once they didn't need them. As a result of this pact, they split control of Poland, and the USSR was free to take over eastern Europe. It was broken later.
  • Germany invades Poland

    German forces bombed Poland and began invading with the intent to control the country, and won easily with the aid of the USSR. This invasion occurred due to Hitler's desire to create subservient countries for Germany's benefit. Also, Germany had claims toward a portion of Poland to justify this. As a result of this event, Poland was annexed to Germany, and jointly owned by it and the USSR. Also, this began World War II, as France and Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa was the start of Hitler's plan to invade the USSR. This was desired by Germany due to Hitler's pledge to create "living space" for its people, and the spread of rumors of a Soviet attack. Racism against Eastern Europeans played a role. This was a betrayal to the USSR and their Non-aggression Pact. As a result, Germany failed in its invasion, creating a new enemy in WWII, and lost many troops.
  • Pearl Harbor

    The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack on a US naval base by the Japanese military. Four battleships were sunk, and carriers were damaged. This attack was an attempt to scare the US out of WWII involvement, as well as to destroy its aircraft carriers and cripple its forces. However, as a result, the US declared war on Japan and Germany, and its isolationism from WWI faded quickly. Also, the attack was a partial success, but resulted in the encampment of Japanese US citizens.
  • Wannsee Conference

    This was a meeting of German leaders in order to decide on the fates of German Europe's Jewish population, which concluded with the decision of genocide. This occurred due to deep-seated German discrimination of Jews, and the desire to create a purely German population. Also, the allocation of resources played a role in this. As a result, concentration camps in Poland were established, and the Holocaust,or mass killing of Jews, was made official. However, such killings were already occurring.
  • Bataan Death March

    This was a forced march of Filipino and American prisoners by the Japanese army to Camp O'Donnell. It occurred due to the massive numbers of prisoners the Japanese took after the Battle of Bataan. Also, Masanobu Tsuji, a commanding officer, was responsible for the orders to brutally kill prisoners during the march. Due to this, an unknown number of prisoners died of exhaustion, and much propaganda of Japanese violence spread in the US. War crime trials followed, resulting in executions.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    This was a battle between Germany and the USSR, in the city of Stalingrad. It occurred due to the German invasion of the USSR. Also, it was won by the USSR, despite superior German forces. This was because the USSR was being invaded during winter, giving it the advantage against German troops. As a result, Germany was permanently weakened and was unable to invade the USSR, making the war easier for the Allies.
  • Operation Gomorrah

    This was an air raid on Hamburg, Germany, by the US and Great Britain. It was caused by the need of the Allied forces to strike against key German cities, since it provided oil and was a port needed by its military. Thus, its loss would have crippled German armies. As a result of its thorough weakening, Germany's economy was hurt, and 40,000 were killed. This helped the Allies gain an upper hand in World War II, especially combined with the USSR's battles with Germany.
  • D-Day (Invasion of Normandy)

    This was an invasion of Northeast Europe by many Allied forces, on several beaches, in the largest amphibious invasion ever. This was caused by the invasion of France by Germany, as Eastern Europe was slipping away to Germany. Also, the Battle of Stalingrad weakened the German army, making it a wise move. Also, the USSR desired a second war front, in order to help out its efforts on the Western Front. As a result, the Eastern Front was opened, allowing for the Allies to begin taking back Europe.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    This was the liberation of Jewish and Polish prisoners put in camps by Germans. It occurred due to the continued advancement of Allied forces into Germany. However, the camps themselves occurred due to the desire of Germans to purify their race. As a result of this liberation, countless prisoners were saved from certain death. Also, the existence of these war crimes, which had been only rumored, revealed the brutality of Nazi Germany globally.
  • Operation Thunderclap

    It was an operation to bomb eastern German cities, specifically Dresden or Berlin, but it was ultimately canceled. The idea behind it was to ensure no German infrastructure remained unbombed, because hardly any bombing had occurred in its east. However, it was canceled due to general inefficency in its execution. It had no result, because it was cancelled. However, the plan was revisited, and used slightly to help Soviet forces attack a weakened Germany.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    This was a German battle against Allied forces, to disrupt advancement of the Western Front, won by the Allies. It was initially a German victory, but won by the Allies. This occurred due to American weakness after D-Day, and German caution to surprise Allied forces. After many battles, the Allies finally pushed through, furthering that front. Also, they had weakened the German military greatly, after so many rigorous battles, making their work easier.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    This was a battle between Japan and the US Marines over possession of the island Iwo Jima. It occurred due to the need by the US to take the island and approach mainland Japan for attack. Also, it was won by the US, due to how surrounded the island was, aerially, and superior firepower. As a result of this battle, the US was able to attack mainland Japan from it. However, the amount of effort used in gaining Iwo Jima outweighed the benefit, and it was hardly used for its purpose.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    This battle was between the US and Japan over possession of the island of Okinawa. This was desired by the US because once again, it was close to mainland Japan, allowing for attacks. The United States won, due to its swarm of ships and weaponry, even though fighting was very fierce. The Japanese used kamikaze tactics to even the field, but eventually lost, though Okinawan civilians were killed by both sides. As a result of this US victory, Japan was open to attack from the later atomic bombs.
  • VE Day

    This was the day of victory in Europe over Germany, which had surrendered, ending WWII there. It occurred due to the German Instrument of Surrender, authorized by Hitler's successor. This, in turn, was caused by his suicide, caused by the Allies' success in the Battle of Berlin. The end of the war impacted the world by causing massive celebrations. Also, it may have meant peace for most, but Japan was still a danger and active Axis power.
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bombs

    These were the first usages of the atomic bomb, and devastated the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US had been developing working atomic bombs already, making this possible. As a result of the heavy losses sustained in Iwo Jima and Okinawa, an invasion of Japan was seen as foolish and costly, leading to the decision. Due to this, Japan finally surrendered after the second bombing, ending WWII completely. 129000 died, but it led to the end of Japanese Pacific expansion, and VJ Day.
  • VJ Day

    This was the day that Japan surrendered to the US. It occurred due to the atomic bombing that struck down Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The emperor himself had to convince the military to stop fighting, even despite the destruction caused by the US. As a result of the surrender, global celebrations were caused, and World War II was completely over. Also, after Japan surrendered, the US began changing its economy and government. After that, Japan became a major economic force in the world.