Eyewitnesswwii 01. v389839556

World War II time line

  • American Stock Market Crash

    American Stock Market Crash
    The stock Marcket crashed in October of 1929 because stocks were unnaturally high. This caused people to sell there stocks thinking it would go down, but then no one was buying stocks and everyone was sellling. Eventually leading to the crash of the stock market. This negativeley impacted the economies leading up to World War II.
  • Hitler Comes into Control

    Hitler Comes into Control
    Hitler took control in 1933 becoming chacellor. Then he had loyal followers that got rid of enemies and was in complete contol of what germans knew viewed and heared. The Nazi police scared German into being obediant to Hitler. Hitler now wanted to go against the League of Nations, and was in control of many battles he started leading into World war II.
  • Nonagression Pact signed

    Nonagression Pact signed
    Germany and Russia agreed publicly never to attack one another. This led to the sighning of the nonagression pact. This helped the Axis of Powers go unnoticed at the end of the decade.The War was now seen as unavoidable.
  • The First Attack

    The First Attack
    After signing the nonagression pact Hitler went ahead to conquer Poland. Hitler set up a suprise attack. Germands Tanks, trucks, artillery. and aircrafts started bombing warsaw. France and Great Britain tehn declared war on Germany, but Poland fell before they could help.
  • Finland Resists Attack

    Finland Resists Attack
    Stalin sent his soviet troops to the eastern part of Poland. He then went to annex countries north of Poland. Finland resisted the attack, and suprised Stalin with a battle that was hard fought through the winter. Finally, leading to Finland surrenduring.
  • U.S. Helping the Allies

    U.S. Helping the Allies
    Roosevelt understood that if the Allies fell the U.S. would be brought into the war. He asked congress to allow the Allies to be able to buy American arms. Under the new lend-Lease act passed in March of 1941 the president could lease or lend arms or supplys to any country vital to the U.S.
  • Outcome of the Phony War

    Outcome of the Phony War
    After, the French and British sat still waiting for Germans attack Hitler made a suprise attack on Denmark and Norway. Denmark fell in just four hours. Norway surendered after months, and now the Germmans could builed up along the Norwegian and Danish coast where they could launch strikes on Great Britain.
  • The Allied Forces Trapped

    The Allied Forces Trapped
    German troops trapped the allied forces around Lille. The allies were outnumbered and getting pounded from attack. They retreated to the beaches of Dunkirk and trapped with the sea behind them.
  • Rescue of the Allies

    Rescue of the Allies
    Great Britain sent ships out to rescue the army. The sent about 850 ships across the English Channel to Dunkirk. From May 26 to June 4 the boats Britain sent were able to carry 338,000 soldiers to saftey, while being bombed by the Germans.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    After, Dunkirk resistance France went downhill. By June 14,1940 Germans had taken Paris, and on June 22,1940 French leaders surrendered. Gemrnas took over the northern half of the country. They left the southern part to be governed by Marshal Philippe petain.
  • Mussolinis Step

    Mussolinis Step
    Mussolini decided to attack British-controlled Eygypt while the Battle of Britain was happening. After a week Italie troops were able to get 60 miles inside of Egypt. This forced Germans units back. Both sides dug in and waited.
  • British Fighting Back

    British Fighting Back
    The British decided to fight back and it eneded badley for the Italians. The Britrihs went 500 miles across North Africa and took 130,000 Italian prisoners.Hitler needed to come in to help his axis partener.
  • Hitler Helping the Italians

    Hitler Helping the Italians
    To help the Italians Hitler sent a German tank force called the Afrika Korps commanded by Erwin Rommel. They attacked catching the British by suprose making them retreat east to Tobruk, Libya.
  • Hitlers war in the Balkans

    Hitlers war in the Balkans
    Hitler moved to gain influence in the Blakans. He then got Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary to join his axis powers, After, he got Yugoslvaia to fall in 11 days and Greece to surrender in 18.
  • British Resist Attacks

    British Resist Attacks
    Winston Churchill was a prime minister of Britain who said they would never give in. Hitler went after Great Britain, but Britain resisted attacks and was able to decode secret messages of the Germans with an enigma machine to avoid suprise attacks. Hitler was suprised by British resistance and stopped the attacks. This showed that Hitler could be blocked.
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    Hitler had a suprise attack suprisng the Soviet Union. The troops were not prepared or trained to fight Hitlers troops.The invasion lasted weeks. As they retreated they burned everything innthe enemys path
  • U.S. Enters War

    U.S. Enters War
    A U.S. destroyer boat in the Atlantic was fired at by the Germans. Angered by this Roosevelt ordered navy commanders to shoot at German submarines.The U.S. was now in a navl war undeclared wirth Hitler.
  • Hitlers attack on Leningrad

    Hitlers attack on Leningrad
    Germans put Leningrad under seige. Hitler was going to starve the city to force a surrender. German bombs destroyed the warehouses were food was kept. Many people died but the city refused to fall.
  • Hitlers failed advance on the Soviet Union

    Hitlers failed advance on the Soviet Union
    Hitler went to Moscow which was the capital of the Soviet Union. The Germans went to the outskirts of Moscow. General Georgi Zhukov counterattacked the Germans. Hitlers troops went 125 miles west of Moscow, but Hitlers advance didnt work and costed the Germans 500,00 lives.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The Attack on Pearl Harbor was a suprise attack done by the Imperail Japanese Navy against the U.S. This suprise attack in about two hours hd more than 2,300 Americans killed. The U.S. the next day declared war on Japan and its allies
  • Fighting for Tobruk

    Fighting for Tobruk
    The British tried to push Rommel out, but Rommel was able to push the British across the desert and seizeTobruk.
  • D-Day

    The allies made a plan to launch an attack on German-held France across the English Channel. Germans knew an attack was coming, but did not know where it would start. The Allied troops fought their way on a 60 mile streatch through Normandy. They had heavy losses, but fought through and came out triumphant.
  • France is Liberated

    France is Liberated
    Charles de Gaulle was a French general that set up a government in exile after France surrenedered. He called all the people of France to join him in resisting the Germans through a radio broadcast. The French Free Military forces was created to battle teh Nazis, and French was free on August 24,1944
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    V-E Day was a victory for Europe when the German troops continue to surrender to the Allies.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    President Truman dropped and atomic bomb which exploded in a desert in New Mexico. Then resident Truman told Japan that unless they surrendered that disaster would happen. The U.S. ended up dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Three days later a 2nd bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Thousands of people dies leading the Japanese to finally surrender on September 2,1945