

  • rape of nanking

    rape of nanking
    The Nanking Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking, was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against Nanking during the Second Sino-Japanese War. The Nanjing Massacre, also known as "The Rape of Nanking," is a rare example of simultaneous gendercides against women and men. It is generally remembered for the invading forces' barbaric treatment of Chinese women. Many thousands of them were killed after gang rape, and tens thousands of others brutally injured
  • japanses invasion of china

    japanses invasion of china
    On July 16, 1937, a few days after the beginning of Japan's undeclared war on China, Secretary Hull issued a statement of fundamental principles of international policy. The Secretary stated that any situation in which armed hostilities were in progress or were threatened was a situation wherein rights and interests of all nations either were or might be seriously affected. Therefore, he felt it a duty to make a statement of this Government's position in regard to international problems and sit
  • Operaion Barbarossa

    Operaion Barbarossa
    peration Barbarossa (German: Fall Barbarossa, literally "Case Barbarossa"), beginning 22 June 1941, was the code name for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II.[18][19] Over four million soldiers of the Axis powers invaded the USSR along a 2,900 km (1,800 mi) front,[20] the largest invasion in the history of warfare. In addition to troops, Barbarossa used 600,000 motor vehicles and 750,000 horses.[21] The ambitious operation was driven by Adolf Hitler's persistent desire to
  • Germanys Invasion of poland

    Germanys Invasion of poland
    On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. The Polish army was defeated within weeks of the invasion. From East Prussia and Germany in the north and Silesia and Slovakia in the south, German units, with more than 2,000 tanks and over 1,000 planes, broke through Polish defenses along the border and advanced on Warsaw in a massive encirclement attack. After heavy shelling and bombing,
  • fall of paris

    fall of paris
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    The attack on Pearl Harbor[nb 4] was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941 (December 8 in Japan). The attack led to the United States' entry into World War II.
    The attack was intended as a preventive action in order to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions the Empire of Japan was planning in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the U
  • wannsee confrence

  • bataan death march

  • battle of stalingrad

  • operation gomorrah

  • warsaw ghetto uprsing

  • d-day

    In the military, D-Day is the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated. The best known D-Day is June 6, 1944 — the day of the Normandy landings — initiating the Western Allied effort to liberate mainland Europe from Nazi occupation during World War II. However, many other invasions and operations had a designated D-Day, both before and after that operation.[1]
    The terms D-Day and H-Hour are used for the day and hour on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated.
  • batte of iwo jima

  • battle of bulge

  • operation thunderclap

  • battle of okinawa

  • VE day

  • dropping of the atomic bombs

  • liberation of concentration camps

  • postdam declaration