World War II

  • Hitler invades the Rhineland

    Hitler invades the Rhineland
    German troops marched into the Rhineland. This was directly against the Treaty of Versailles which had laid out terms against Germany. Also under the terms of the Treaty of Locarno in 1925 Germany, France, Britain and Italy agreed that the Rhineland should remain a demilitarised zone. Although in the early morning 32,000 armed German troops entered the Rhineland. Although Germany knew it wasn't strong enough if France or Britain counter attacked. France opposed buy didn't take military action.
  • Hitler seizes all of Czechoslovakia

    Hitler seizes all of Czechoslovakia
    Hitler,fulfilled two aims. One was to unite the German speaking people of this reigion with Germany and supporting his goal of a larger Geriman nation. The other was that it let him test how far he could push other European countries who backed down rather than defending Czechoslovakia. Britian and France's appeasement plan didn't work. Hitler took advantage. He wanted complete control and Czechoslovakia didn't oppose because of the power he had. He threatened to take the borders than entered.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
    Right before World War II Germany and the Soviet Union surprised the world by signing the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, in which they agreed to take no military action against each other for the next 10 years. Both of them wanted to benefit. Hitler wanted to invade Poland unipposed meanwhile Stalin wanted to keep peace terms with Germany and build a strong Soviet military. The pact contained a secret agreement in which the Soviets and Germans agreed how they would spilt Europe later.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The first and most significant event that took place was the evasion of Poland. The Germans were loaded with more than 2000 tanks and 1000 airplanes. France and especially Britain had a foreign policy to appease. They let Germany they wanted although they guaranteed to protect Poland.Hitler negotiated a pact with the SovietUnion in summer of 1939 to take Poland. On September 3, 1939 Britain and France declared war. This led to all the events because Hitelr knew Europe would erupt.
  • The Battle of the Atlantic

    The Battle of the Atlantic
    Britain relied heavily on supplies and reinforcements from Canada.But Germany wanted to cut this lifeline,and its U-boats hunted Allied ships.The battle ended on May 8, 1945 and was known as the Battle of the Atlantic.The allies tried to protect cargo ships by making convos gaurded by vessels. Although the Germans sank 143 ships in July 1942.The war was constant but the allies kept upgrading their crews and vessels.Soon more U boats were sunk.After the war Canada had the 4th biggest navy
  • Canada declares war on Germany

    Canada declares war on Germany
    Unlike WW I Britain's declaration of war didn't effect Canada. Canada made the decision to enter the war without Britians consent. But there was never doubt that Canada’s government and people were united in supporting of Britain and France.Canada was unprepared for war. The regular army of 4500 men, and 51,000 partly-trained reservists, had no modern equipment. So maufacturing of war equipment was introduced once again. Britain greatly depended on Canada for food and other supplies
  • The fall of France

    The fall of France
    The battle had to operations. The first one was Case Yellow. It was successful and the armored units of Germany cut off allied units which had advanced into the country of Belgium. When the British and the French saw themselves pushed back by the operation, Britian evacuated their British Expeditionary Force. The French government decided to make. peace with Germany.France and Germany signed an armistice and the result was a split of the country of France.The battle was fought on air and ground.
  • Battle of Dunkirk

    Battle of Dunkirk
    The battle ended June 4,1940. The allies were pinned down by Germanic at Dunkirk. Although Hitler hesitated to decide wether he should finish the attack. But the allies took advantage and rescued their forces. They used different types of ships and boats that went across the English Channel and saved the troops. About 200 boats were sunk. This is said to be one of Hitler's 2 mistakes form the war and greatly affected Germany later. The allies came back stronger and more prepared later.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This battle ended on October 31,1940. After Dunkirk about 140 000 German troops were along the English Channel. Hitler knew the Royal Air Force fighters and bombers would attack the Germans heavily if they crossed the Channel. So he ordered the Luftwaffe(Air Force) to gain control by air. They destroyed aircraft factories, airfields, and radar stations in Britain. Britian was being bombed for months but Hitler didn't continue with his bombardment. This was the second mistake he made in the war.
  • Operation Barbrossa

    Operation Barbrossa
    Despite the nonaggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union,Hitler and Stalin remained suspicious of each other.Hitler attacked the Union with 3 million troops and 3000 tanks.Hitler's decision to bring troops into a second front in the east drew German forces away from Western Europe so allies had a better chance.Also the Union joined the allies and his decision to attack them made him weaker from the harsh climate in Russia.The Union were also effected by the death of 20 million people.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    Pearl Harbour was a major event that took place. The US remained neutral during the early years of WW II. But Japan wanted to expand its empire in the Pacific. They viewed the Americans growing naval strength as a obstacle. So without warning, Japan launched an air attack on a naval base at Pearl Harbour in Hawaii. The attack killed 2403 Americans and sank or severely damaged 14 warships and 347 aircraft. So the US decided to join the allies. This lead to the brutal war between Japan and the US.
  • Invasion of Hong Kong

    Invasion of Hong Kong
    Right after Pearl Harbour, the Japanese forces attacked the British territory of Honk Kong.A week earlier 1975 Canadian soilders came to Japan. Although the allies were no match for the 50000 Japanese soilders.They captured the airport and no reinforcements were available. The allies fought hard but laid their weapons on Black Christmas(25 dec). 1685 Canadians were taken to prisoner of war camps. More than 260 Canadians died as a result of the brutal conditions. Japan became a clear enemy after.
  • Dieppe Raid

    Dieppe Raid
    The Dieppe Raid was one of the most devastating and bloody chapters in Canadian military history. Of the 4,963 Canadians who embarked from England for the operation, only 2,210 returned, and many of them were wounded. The allies wanted to make a major offensive attack on Germany and the objective was Dieppe in France. Germany was ready with aircrafts and ground units. The allies suffused major losses. The Canadians suffered the most casualties and a lot were taken as prisoners of war.
  • D-day

    Many Canadian troops in Britain had spent over 4 years preparing to invade France.So in the early on June 6 morning under cover of air and naval bombardment allied ships started ferrying towards Normandy.Americans on the western end and Canadian and British on the east. Although this time the allies had improved their landing craft and communication skills.They had more effective naval and air support for troops. Operation Overworld lasted until August 25, 1944. The allies were successful again
  • Candain soilders liberate the Netherlands

    Candain soilders liberate the Netherlands
    175000 Candians joined the Rhine offensive. This was the largest Canadian assault force in history. They successfully drove the Germans out of the Netherlands and chased them to Northern Germany. As they libertated the Dutch towns, why seen many people on the verge of starvation. Then on April 22, a truce was negotiated to enable the allies to provide disaster relief to the Netherlands. The Canadians proved their power and idependece once again.