World War II

  • 1939

    Spet. 1- Germany invades Poland; France and Britain give Hitler an ultamatum
    Sept. 3- On Hitler's orders a battleship was blown off Montevideo, Urguguay
    Dec. 17- Limited activity on Western Front
  • 1940

    May 10- Nazis invade Belgium, Luxemburg, and Netherlands; Churchill becomes Britains prime minister when Chamberlain resigns
    May 12- Germans cross French Frontier
    May 26-Jun.3- about 335,000 allied soldiers rescued from Belgium by British (Dunkerque evacuation)
    Jun. 10- Italy invades France when declares war on them and Britain
    June. 14- Germans enter Paris
    Jun. 22- Germany and France sign armistice at Compiegne
    Nov. 14- Coventry, England bombed by Nazis
  • 1941

    Apr. 17- Yugoslavia surrenders; Germans launch attack in Balkans
    Apr. 27- Tanks of Nazis enter Athens; remnants of British army quit Greece
    Jun. 22- Hitler attacks Russia
    Aug. 14- FDR and Churchill agree on war aims(Atlantic Charter)
    Dec. 7- Japanese attacks Pearl Harbor; Guam forces US into war
    Dec. 11- US and Britain declare war on Japan; Germany and Italy declare war on US
  • 1942

    Feb. 15- British surrender Singapore to Japanese
    Feb. 19- Roosevelt orders any Japanese of Japanese-Americans to be exiled to "relocation centers" until the war ends
    Apr. 9- Philippines surrender to US on Bataan Peninsula
    May 6- US and Filipino troops surrender to Japanese on Corregidor island
    Jun. 10- Nazis raze Lidice, Czechoslovakia
    Nov. 8- Britain and US land in French North Africa
  • 1943

    Jan. 14-24- Churchill and FDR agree on unconditional surrender goal(Casablanca Conference)
    Feb. 1-2- At Stalingrad, German 6th army surrenders
    May 12- War ends in Africa, remnants of Nazis found on Cape Bon
    Jul. 25- Mussolini deposed; Badoglio named premier
    Sep. 8- After conquest of Sicily, allied troops land on Italy mainland
    Nov. 22-26- Korea is freed, FDR, Churchill, Chian Kai-shek pledge defeat of Japan(Cairo Conf.)
    Nov. 28-Dec.1- FDR, Churchill, Stalin agree on invasion plans(Tehran Conf.)
  • 1944

    Jan. 22- Britain and US land on Italy and hold beachfront
    Jun. 4- US and Britain enter Rome
    Jun. 6- Allies launch normandy invasion(D-Day)
    Jul. 20- Bomb plot wounds Hitler
    Aug. 25- Paris liberated
    Oct. 13- Allies free Athens
    Oct. 20- Philippines invaded by Americans
    Dec. 16- Germans launch counteroffensive in Belgium(Battle of the Bulge)