World War II

By maryfay
  • Germany Enters Poland

    Germany Enters Poland
    Poland knew that Germany was planning on invading them. However they believed that if the Germans came that the Polish army would defend Poland and they would be fine. However they were not ready to take on Germany with all Germany's new war technology. Germany distroyed Poland in a less than a week, and within fortyeight hours the Allies had declared war on Germany. World War II had started. By: Mary
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Cannada declares war on Germany

    Cannada declares war on Germany
    After Germany invaded Poland on september 10th canada declared war on Germany. Brett
  • german u-boats attack merchant ships

    german u-boats attack merchant ships
    The battle of the atlantic doesn't have an exact date because it started at the beginning of the war and ended at the end of the war. 3500 merchant shipps were sunk and 175 war ships were lost. Brett
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Hitler's army wanted more space. Hitler was not sure if the blitzkrieg tactics would work against the solviet union because it was so big. stalin didn't think hitler would invade hte solviet union until britian and france were conquered. brett
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    On December 7, 1941 Japan bombs the United States' Pearl Harbour. Until this point in the war the United States of America had not been involved in the war. This triggered the United States of America to join the Allies forces against the Axis.
    This was an important part of the war because the United States had a Strong amry and played a large role in helping the Allies advance though Europe. Mary
  • The Dieppe Raid

    The Dieppe Raid
    The Dieppe Raid was a complete disastor. 907 Canadian soliders were killed. 56 officers lost their life in a battle that lasted only 9 hours. On the night of August 18th almost 240 ships left the British ports. Brett
  • Germans Surrender At Stalingrad

    Germans Surrender At Stalingrad
    The battle for Salingrad was fought during the winter of 1942-1943. The German Army suffered in many ways. They were not prepared for the Soviet winter, and they began to freeze and starve. As the Soviets retreated they would burn everyting so that the Germans had no food or shelter. Since they didn't have a recent victory propaganda was beginning to dry up. They had lost fuel for their army.
    The German's defeat was considered to be the major turning point of the war. Mary
  • D-Day

    D-Day's code name was "Operation Overlord" Fouteen thousand Canadian troops stormed the beaches in Normandy. The shores of juno beach were filled with pill boxes,mine fields and concrete
    emplacements. Brett
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    In April of 1945 the Soviet Union began to take over Berlin. Germany was losing the war. At this point Hiler was hidding in a underground bunker as he was anticipating his capture. Hitler knew that he was going to lose the war, so he arranged to commite suicide. (If he was captured he would face torture and humiliation.) On April 30, 1945 Hilter commited suicide and was dead. Mary Fay
  • Atomic Bomb Drops On Japan

    Atomic Bomb Drops On Japan
    On the 6th of August 1945 the USA droped it's first atomic bomb on Japan. They droped it on Japan because they believed that it would end the war quicker. Then, three days later they droped another one on Japan. Many people died, the damage was very severe. Mary Fay
  • United Nation is Born

    United Nation is Born
    On October 24, 1945 the United Nations was born. The United Nations is a worldwide peace treaty. It maintains security and internationaly peace. The main reason for starting the United Nations was to prevent another war. They wanted the countries to come together to solve worldwide issues. Mary