World War 2 Timeline

  • Start of World War 2

    Germany invades Poland. This was a very important day because it was the beginning World War 2.
  • Blitzkreig Attack

    Blitzkreig Attack
    Germany successfullly used the Blitzkreig tactic against Poland. The success of the attack resulted in it being used many more times. It was used to devestate western Europe where the Allies were pushed back to the beaches of Dunkirk, and in the attack on Russia - Operation Barbarossa
  • The start of the Battle of the Atlantics

    Canada declares war on Germany, starting the Battle of the Atlantics. This war played a very significant role in World War Two.This is because the German submarine force (U-boats) severely damaged America's ability to survive the war .It was so bad, Winston Churchill feared we would be starved out of the war.
  • The Soviet invasion of Poland

    The Soviets invade Poland. This is important because a lot of Soviets were killed in the war. The Soviets suffered 737 deaths and 1,862 casualties .The Polish lost 3,000–7,000 soldiers died, due to this invasion.
  • Start of the Winter War

    The Soviet Union invades Finland, starting the Winter War
  • Italy's in the war

    This was an important date because this is when Italy entered World War 2.
  • The East African Campaign

    On June 11, Italyis the air force to bombed Port Sudan and Aden. This is important because this resulted in the retaliation of three Caproni that bombed the Italian air base at Fort Wajir in Kenya.
  • Operation Lucid

    This was important because It was a plan to detour plan from a possible invasion
  • End of the Battle of Britian

    The Battle of Britian ends in defeat for Nazi Germany. This is important because Nazi Germany was taken out of the Battle of Britian.
  • The end of the Battle of Britian

    The Battle of Britian ends in defeat for Nazi Germany. This is important because this was the end of the Battle of Britian.
  • The Shoah

    The Mass killing of Jews occurs in the concentration camp of Auschwitz. This is important because this is one of the many concentration camps, that were responsible for the mass murders of Jews.
  • The bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor. This was important because this it drew America into World War 2.
  • The Allied Nations pledge their support

    The Allied Nations pledge their support of the Atlantic charter, by signing the "Decleration of the United Nations."
  • Internment of the Japanese Americans

    Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, and 120,000,Japanese Americans were placed in camps. This was important because the U.S. government portrayed Hitler as someone who violates human rights, but the U.S. government turned around and arrested Japanese Americans.
  • Battle of El Alemein/ African Theater

    Hitler depleted troops in Russia to hold the front line, which they were unable to do so. This ensured that the Germans couldn't win the war.
  • Battle of Midway

    It was an important date. It was a major naval battle.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    It wore down the German army, and it showed them that Blitzkreig wasn't going to work all the time. It's also important because it was one of the most bloodiest battles in World War 2.
  • Operation Torch/ African Theater

    It was a major Allied victory ,where it offered an easy route into Italy. It was also where the Axis force of some 250,000 soldiers surrendered.
  • Montgomery proposes the expansion of the invasion/Operation Overlord

    Montgomery proposed the expansion of the invasion area. It included landing West of the Vire weather. This is important because this led to the intensifying of the invasion of Canada.
  • D-Day/Operation Overlord

    It was important because It forced Hitler and his forces to send their troops into France to try and hold the Allies off.
  • Battle of the Bulge/European Theaer

    It was important because this is where the German offensive wass launched against the Allies in the Ardennes Mountains region on the Western Front.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima/Pacific Theater

  • The Suicide of Hitler

    Hitler commits suicide
  • The surrendering of Germany to the West

    Germany surrenders to the western allies
  • The surrendering of Germany to the Soviets

    Germany surrenders to the Soveits
  • The dropping of The Gadget

    "The Gadget" stetches from the Jamez Mountains in New Mexico, to the skies above New Mexico. The successful testing of "The Gadget" led to the creation of the bombs "Fat man" and "Little Boy".
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    U.S. drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. It was important because the ravages that occured due to the bombing was great, which left Hiroshima in state of great devdestation, and numerous people died due to the bomb.
  • The bombing of Nagasaki

    U.S. drops the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. This bombing was important because it greatly devestated Nagasaki. It was so devestating, more than forty percent of the city was destroyed. Major hospitals had been utterly flattened and care for the injured was impossible. Schools, churches, and homes had disappeared.
  • End of World War 2

    This day was very important because this is where Japan surrenders, thus leading to the end World War 2.
  • Japan surrenders on the USS Missouri

    Japaan surrenders on board of the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay,after the bombing of Hiroshima
  • The United Nations

    The United Nations was formed when the Charter was ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, etc. This is important because this is where International organizations were created to settle problems between nations and form peace.
  • The Nuremberg Trials

    This was important because this was when the trials of the major war criminals began.
  • The Founding of Israel

    Great Britain established Israel to be a "national home in Palestine". They split the Palestine mandate into an Arab state which has become the modern day Jordan, and Israel. This is important because this was when Israel was born.