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World War 2

  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Who: Germany vs. Britain
    What: German Air Force bombed British air and naval bases, harbors, communication centers, and war industries.
    Where: Britain
    Why: Hitler realized that an invasion of Britain could only succeed if Germany had control of the air, so he launched an attack via air.
  • Hitlers Attack on Denmark and Norway

    Hitlers Attack on Denmark and Norway
    Who: Germany (Hitler) vs. Denmark and Norway
    What: Hitler launched a blitzkreig attack on Denmark and Norway
    Where: Norway
    Why: A maneuver against a planned, and openly Franco-British occupation of Norway.
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    Who: Germany (Hitler) vs. The Soviet Union
    What: Hitler invaded the Soviet Union and kidnapped about 2 million Russian soldiers.
    Where: along 1,800 miles of the Soviet Union
    Why: Hitler thought that Britain was only still in the war because of support from the Soviet Union, so in an attempt to take Britain out of the war, he attacked the Soviet Union.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Who: Japan bombed the US
    What: Japanese aircraft bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
    Where: Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii
    Why: Japan wanted to create a community of nations and they wanted to control Hawaii.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Who: Germany (Hitler) vs. Stalingrad
    What: Hitler launched the attack but the Soviet Union fought back. Eventually Germany was forced to surrender.
    Where: Stalingrad
    Why: To take out the Caucasus and the oil fields
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Who: USA vs. Japan
    What: US planes destroyed 4 attacking Japanese aircraft carriers
    Where: The Battle of Midway Island
    Why: The US wanted to establish naval superiority.